Explanations and Justifications citation index
The citation index lists numerically, then chronologically, all regulations that have a written Explanation and Justification (E&J).
Non-FECA Regulations: Parts 1-8
Part 2: Sunshine regulations; Meetings
Part 3: Meetings (currently incorporated into Part 2)
Part 4: Public Records and the Freedom of Information Act
General: Parts 100-116
Part 100: Scope and definitions, including:
- Subpart A: General definitions [100.1 - 100.8] and [100.9 - 100.50]
- Subpart B: Definition of contribution [100.51 - 100.57]
- Subpart C: Exceptions to contribution [100.71 - 100.94]
- Subpart D: Definition of expenditure [100.110 - 100.114]
- Subpart E: Exceptions to expenditure [100.130 - 100.155]
Part 101: Candidate status and designations
Part 102: Registration, organization, and recordkeeping by political committees
Part 103: Campaign depositories
Part 104: Reports by political committees and other persons
Part 106: Allocations of candidate and committee activities
Part 108: Filing copies of reports and statements with state officers
Part 109: Coordinated and independent expenditures, including:
- Subpart A: Scope and definitions [109.1 - 109.3]
- Subpart B: Independent expenditure [109.10 - 109.11]
- Subpart C: Coordination [109.20 - 109.23]
- Subpart D: Special provisions for political party committees [109.30 - 109.37]
Part 110: Contribution and expenditure limitations and prohibitions
Part 111: Compliance procedure, including
- Subpart A: Enforcement [111.1 - 111.24]
- Subpart B: Administrative fines [111.30 - 111.46]
- Subpart C: Collection of debts arising from enforcement and administration of campaign finance laws [111.50 - 111.55]
Part 113: Permitted and prohibited uses of campaign accounts
Administrative: Parts 200-201
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA): Parts 300-454
Part 300: Nonfederal funds, including:
- Part 300: Nonfederal funds [300.1 - 300.2]
- Subpart A: National party committees [300.10 - 300.13]
- Subpart B: State, district and local party committees and organizations [300.30 - 300.37]
- Subpart C: Tax-exempt organizations [300.50 - 300.52]
- Subpart D: Federal candidates and officeholders [300.60 - 300.65]
- Subpart E: State and local candidates [300.70 - 300.72]
Part 400: Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, including:
- Subpart A: Scope and definitions [400.1 - 400.10]
- Subpart B: Notification and reporting requirements [400.20 - 400.25]
- Subpart C: Determining when the increased limits apply [400.30 - 400.32]
- Subpart D: Calculation of increased limits for Senate and House of Representatives candidates [400.40 - 400.42]
- Subpart E: Disposal of excess contributions [400.50 - 400.54]
General election financing: Parts 140-146; 9001-9007, 9012
Parts 140 - 146 (General election financing regulations (1977)), including:
- Part 140: Definitions
- Part 141: Eligibility for Payments
- Part 142: Entitlement of Eligible Candidates to Payments; Use of Payments
- Part 143: Certification by Commission
- Part 144: Reports and Recordkeeping
- Part 145: Examinations and Audits; Repayments
- Part 146: Other Expenditures
Parts 9001 - 9004 (General election financing) and Parts 9005 - 9007 and 9012 (General election financing), including:
- Part 9001: Scope
- Part 9002: Definitions
- Part 9003: Eligibility for payments
- Part 9004: Entitlement of eligible candidates to payments; Use of payments
- Part 9005: Certification by Commission
- Part 9006: Reports and recordkeeping
- Part 9007: Examinations and audits; Repayments
- Part 9012: Unauthorized expenditures and contributions
Convention financing: Parts 107, 120-125 and 9008
Part 107: Presidential nominating convention, registration and reporting
Parts 120 - 125: Presidential convention financing regulations (1977), including:
- Part 120: General provisions
- Part 121: Limitations and expenditures
- Part 122: Entitlement to and disposition of payments from the fund
- Part 123: Payment procedure for presidential nominating conventions
- Part 124: Post-disbursement procedures
- Part 125: Convention reports
Part 9008: Federal financing of presidential nominating conventions, including:
- Subpart A: Expenditures by national committees and convention committees [9008.1 - 9008.16]
- Subpart B: Host committees representing a convention city; convention expenditures by government agencies and municipal corporations [9008.50 - 9008.55]
Presidential primary matching fund: Parts 130-134, 9031-9039
Parts 130 - 134: Presidential primary matching fund regulations (1977), including:
- Part 130: Definitions
- Part 131: Eligibility for payments
- Part 132: Certification and disbursement
- Part 133: Termination of payments
- Part 134: Examinations and audits
Parts 9031 - 9039: Presidential primary matching fund, including:
- Part 9031: Scope
- Part 9032: Definitions
- Part 9033: Eligibility for payments
- Part 9034: Entitlements
- Part 9035: Expenditure limitations
- Part 9036: Review of submission and certification of payments by Commission
- Part 9037: Payments
- Part 9038: Examinations and audits
- Part 9039: Review and investigation authority
Other E&J indexes
The Chronological Index lists the Federal Register Notices chronologically by the date of transmittal to Congress or publication in the Federal Register.
Appendix and conversion tables: past-to-current citations
The Appendix and conversion tables show previously different citations for current regulations.