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Citation index: Part 9008 (Federal financing of presidential nominating conventions)

The citation index lists numerically, then chronologically, all regulations that have a written Explanation and Justification (E&J).For each regulation listed, the index provides the subject and the year the rule took effect. Be aware that a citation may cover different subjects over the years. The conversion tables trace the periodic reorganization and renumbering of regulations. The Appendix lists previous citations for any current regulation that has been renumbered. Users of this index are referred to the Appendix by an asterisk next to the subject category in this index. If the E&J simply explains an amendment to the regulation, but not a change in Commission policy or citation, only the year and the page are given for the E&J. To locate a particular E&J for a regulation, simply look up the citation, then match up the subject and year, and click on the year listed.

Subpart A: Expenditures by national committees and convention committees

Citation Subsection Subject Year
9008.1 - Scope 1979
- - - 1983
- - - 1984
- - - 1994
- (a) Entitlement amount 1983
- - - 1984
- (a)(1) Entitlement amount 1983
- (b) Section deleted 1994
9008.2 - Definitions 1979
- - - 1980
- - - 1985
- - - 1994
- - - 2017
- (a) Commission 1979
- - - 1985
- - - 2017
- (b) Fund 1979
- (c) Major party 1979
- (d) Minor party 1979
- (e) National committee 1979
- - - 1980
- (f) New party 1979
- (g) Nominating convention 1979
- (h) Secretary 1979
9008.3 - Entitlement to payments 1979
- - - 1980
- - - 1984
- - Eligibility for payments; registration and reporting 1994
- - - 2003
- (a) Major parties 1979
- - - 1980
- - - 1984
- - * Eligibility requirements 1994
- (a)(3) Application statement 1994
- (a)(4) Agreements by convention committee 1994
- (a)(4)(v) Agreement to furnish recordkeeping information 1994
- (b) Minor parties 1979
- - Registration and reports by political parties 1994
- - - 2003
- (b)(1) * Registration 1994
- - - 2003
- (b)(1)(ii) Submission of written contracts and agreements 2003
9008.4 - Adjustment of entitlement 1994
- (a) Adjustment based on Consumer Price Index 1979
* Major parties 1994
- (b) Basis of income earned from investment of public funds 1979
- * Minor parties 1994
- (c)- Basis of private contributions 1979
- - * Limitation on payments 1994
9008.5 - Limitation on payments 1979
- - * Adjustment of entitlement 1994
9008.6 - Use of funds 1979
- - Payment and certification procedures 1994
- (a) Permissible uses of funds 1979
Optional payments; private contributions 1994
- (a)(1) Defraying convention expenses 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
- (a)(2) Repayment of loans 1979
- - Private contributions 1994
- (a)(3) Restoring funds already used 1979
- Accounting for private contributions 1994
- (a)(4) Convention-related expenses 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
- (a)(5) Investing 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
- (b) Prohibited uses of funds 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
- (b)(1) Defray expenses of candidate or delegate 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
- (b)(2) Expenditures which violate federal or state law 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
- (b)(3) Payment of civil or criminal penalties 1979
- Subsection moved to 9008.7 1994
9008.7 - Limitation of expenditures 1979
- - - 1980
- - - 1983
- - Use of funds 1994
- - - 1999
- - - 2002
- - - 2003
- (a) National party expenditure limitations 1979
- 1980
- - Permissible uses of funds 1994
- - - 2003
- (a)(1) Limitation on major parties 1979
- - Former (a)(1) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (a)(2) Limitation on minor parties 1979
- - Former (a)(2) moved to 9008.8 1994
(a)(3) Authorization to exceed limitations 1979
- - - 1980
- - Former (a)(3) moved to 9008.8 1994
- - - 2003
(a)(4) Convention expenses 1994
- - - 2003
- (a)(4)(xii) Gifts/bonuses for convention committee staff 1994
- - - 2003
- (a)(4)(xiii) Costs of biographical film 1994
- (a)(5) Computerized information 1994
- (b) Expenditures by government agencies and municipal corporations 1979
* Prohibited uses of funds 1994
- - - 2002
- - - 2003
- (b)(3) * Civil and criminal penalties 1994
- - - 2002
- (c) In-kind contributions by businesses 1979
- - - 1983
- - Former (c) moved to 9008.8 1994
- - - 1999
- (c)(1) Discounts by retail businesses 1979
- - Former (c) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (c)(2) Samples and promotional materials 1979
- - - 1983
- - Former (c) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (d) Contributions and expenditures by host committees 1979
- - - 1983
- - Former (d) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (d)(2)(i) Expenditures to promote city 1983
- - Former (d) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (d)(2)(iv) Local organizations and agencies 1979
- - Former (d) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (e) Expenditures to participate in or attend convention 1979
- - Former (e) moved to 9008.8 1994
- (f) Legal and accounting services 1979
- - Former (f) moved to 9008.8 1994
9008.8 - Payment and certification 1979
- 1980
- - - 1983
- - Limitation of expenditures 1994
- - - 2003
- (a) Optional payments 1979
- - 1980
- - * National party limitations 1994
(b) Eligibility requirements 1979
- - - 1983
- - Payments not subject to limit 1994
- (b)(1) Agreements 1979
- Host committee expenditures 1994
- (b)(2) Establishment of convention committee 1979
* Expenditures by government agencies and municipal corporations 1994
- (b)(3) Registration of convention committee 1979
Expenditures to appear or participate in convention 1994
- - 2003
- (b)(4) Agreements by convention committee 1979
- - 1983
- - Legal and accounting costs 1994
(b)(4)(ii) Payments by national committee 1983
- - Payment of compensation considered expenditure 1994
- (b)(4)(v) Documentation of expenses in connection with convention 1979
Subsection moved to 9008.3 1994
- (b)(5) Computerized information 1994
- (c) Increase in certified amount 1979
Subsection moved to 9008.6 1994
- (d) Availability of payments 1979
Subsection moved to 9008.6 1994
- (e) Certification of payment 1979
Subsection moved to 9008.6 1994
9008.9 - Examinations and audits 1979
- - Receipt of goods and services from commercial vendors 1994
- (a) Standard reductions or discounts 1994
- (b) Items provided for promotional consideration 1994
- (c) Items of de minimis value 1994
- (d) Not counted toward expenditure limits 1994
9008.10 - Repayments 1979
- - Documentation of disbursements; net outstanding convention expenses 1994
- - - 2003
- (a) Excess payments 1979
- Documentation of disbursements in excess of $200 1994
- (a)(4) Collateral documentation 1994
- (b) Excessive expenditures 1979
- Documentation of all other disbursements 1994
- (c) Excessive contributions 1979
- - Definition of payee 1994
- (d) Improper usage or documentation 1979
- - Definition of purpose 1994
- (e) Unspent funds 1979
- - * Documentation of expenses' connection to convention 1994
- (f) Repayment limit 1979
- Recordkeeping requirements 1994
- (g) Notice to convention committee 1979
- - Statement of net outstanding convention expenses 1994
- (h) Computerized magnetic media requirements 1994
9008.11 - Resolution of disputes concerning repayment 1979
- - * Examinations and audits 1994
9008.12 - Registration and reports 1979
- * Repayments 1994
- - - 1995
- - - 2003
- (a) Reports by host committees and other organizations who deal with parties 1979
- - General 1994
- - - 1995
- (a)(2) Notification of repayment determination 1995
- (b) Reports by parties 1979
- Bases for repayment 1994
- - - 2003
- (b)(5)(ii) Interim repayment of unspent funds 1994
- (b)(6) Investment income 1994
- (b)(7) Knowingly helping host or municipal committees conduct impermissible activities 1994
- - - 2003
- (c) Repayment determination procedures 1994
9008.13 - Additional audits 1994
9008.14 - Petitions for rehearing; stays of repayment determinations 1994
- - - 1999
9008.15 - Extensions of time 1994
9008.16 - Stale-dated committee checks 1994

Subpart B: Host committees representing a convention city; convention expenditures by government agencies and municipal corporations

Citation Subsection Subject Year
9008.50 - Scope 1994
- - Scope and definitions 2003
- (b) Definition of host committee 2003
9008.51 - Registration and reports by host committees 1994
- - - 2003
- (a) * Registration by host committees 1994
- (a)(1) Registration requirements 2003
- (a)(3) Submission of convention committee, host committee, and municipal fund agreements 2003
- (b) * Reports by host committees 1994
- - Post-convention and quarterly reports by host committees and municipal funds; content and time of filing 2003
- (b)(1) Post-convention report on Form 4 2003
- (b)(2) Quarterly reports; when required 2003
- (b)(3) Final report after activity ceases 2003
- (c) Reports by municipal corporations and local agencies 1994
- - Post-convention statements by state and local government agencies 2003
9008.52 - Receipts and disbursements of host committees 1994
- - - 1999
- - - 2003
- (a) * Definition of host committee 1994
- - Receipt of goods/services from commercial vendors 2003
- (b) * Receipt of goods/services from commercial vendors 1994
- - Receipts from local businesses, organizations and individuals 2003
- (c) * Donations from local businesses and individuals 1994
- - - 1999
- - Subsection (c) redesignated as (b) 2003
- (c)(1) In-kind contributions permitted by local individuals 1999
- - Subsection (c) redesignated as (b) 2003
9008.53 - Receipts and disbursements of government agencies and municipal corporations 1994
- - - 1999
- - Receipts and disbursements of municipal funds 2003
- (b) Receipt of donations to separate account 1994
- - - 1999
- - Receipt and use of donations to a municipal fund 2003
- (b)(1) Donations by local businesses/individuals 1999
- - Subsection (b)(1) removed 2003
9008.54 - * Examinations and audits 1994
9008.55 - Funding for convention committees, host committees and municipal funds 2003
- (a) Subject to statutory provisions on soft money of political parties 2003
- - Donations from host committees and municipal funds to convention committee 2003
- (b) Historically, host committees and municipal funds are not agents of national party committee 2003
- (c) Historically, host committees and municipal funds are not entities directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained or controlled by national party committees 2003
- (d) National party solicitations of funds for host committees and municipal funds 2003
- (e) Candidate solicitations for host committee and municipal funds 2003