Registration and reporting forms
This page lists all forms required for filing with the FEC.
Political parties and political action committees (PACs)
Form 1: Statement of Organization
Used to register PACs and political party committees:
- Online webform | PDF | Screen-fillable PDF
- Instructions | How-to videos: parties, separate segregated funds (SSFs)
Form 1M: Notification of Multicandidate Status
Used by multicandidate committees, in conjunction with Form 1:
Form 3X: Report of Receipts and Disbursements
Used by PACs and political party committees:
Form 3X, Schedule E: Itemized Independent Expenditures
Used by PACs and political party committees to submit 24 and 48-Hour Reports of Independent Expenditures:
Form 3L: Report of Contributions Bundled by Lobbyists/Registrants and Lobbyist/Registrant PACs
Used by committees to report bundled contributions forwarded by or credited to lobbyists, registrants and their PACs:
Form 4: Report of Receipts and Disbursements
Used by committees that support a national nominating convention:
Form 8: Debt Settlement Plan
Used by committees attempting to settle debts for less than the full amount owed:
Form 99: Miscellaneous Report to the FEC
Used by registered committees filing electronically to submit a letter:
Other filers
Other filers include individuals and unregistered 527 organizations.
Form 5: Report of Independent Expenditures Made and Contributions Received
Form 7: Report of Communication Costs by Corporations and Membership Organizations
Form 9: 24-Hour Notice of Disbursements/Obligations for Electioneering Communications
Form 99: Miscellaneous Report to the FEC
Used by registered entities filing electronically to submit a letter: