Citation index: Part 300 - Nonfederal funds
The citation index lists numerically, then chronologically, all regulations that have a written Explanation and Justification (E&J).
For each regulation listed, the index provides the subject and the year the rule took effect. Be aware that a citation may cover different subjects over the years. The conversion tables trace the periodic reorganization and renumbering of regulations. The Appendix lists previous citations for any current regulation that has been renumbered. Users of this index are referred to the Appendix by an asterisk next to the subject category in this index. If the E&J simply explains an amendment to the regulation, but not a change in Commission policy or citation, only the year and the page are given for the E&J. To locate a particular E&J for a regulation, simply look up the citation, then match up the subject and year, and click on the year listed.
Part 300: Nonfederal funds
Citation | Subsection | Subject | Year |
300.1 | - | Scope and effective date, and organization | 2002 |
- | - | 2016 | |
(a) | Introduction | 2002 | |
- | (b) | Effective dates | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2016 |
- | (b)(1) | Overall effective date | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2016 |
- | (c) | Organization of part 300 | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2016 |
- | (c)(1) | Subpart A | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2016 |
300.2 | - | Definitions | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (a) | 501(c) organization that makes expenditures or disbursements in connection with a federal election | 2002 |
- | (b) | Agent | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | (b)(1) | For national party committee | 2002 |
- | (b)(2) | For state, district or local party committee | 2002 |
- | (b)(3) | For federal candidates | 2002 |
- | (b)(4) | For state candidates | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | (c) | Directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained, or controlled | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2002 |
- | (c)(1) | Application to whom | 2002 |
- | (c)(2) | Determining factors | 2002 |
- | (c)(3) | Safe harbor | 2002 |
- | (c)(4) | Determinations by the Commission | 2002 |
- | (d) | Disbursement | 2002 |
- | (e) | Donation | 2002 |
- | (f) | Federal account | 2002 |
- | (g) | Federal funds | 2002 |
- | (h) | Levin account | 2002 |
- | (i) | Levin funds | 2002 |
- | (j) | Nonfederal account | 2002 |
- | (k) | Nonfederal funds | 2002 |
- | (m) | To solicit | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (m)(1) | Types of communications that are solicitations | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (m)(1)(i) | Providing, in writing, a method of making a contribution or donation | 2006 |
- | (m)(1)(ii) | Providing instructions on how or where to send contributions or donations | 2006 |
- | (m)(1)(iii) | Identifying a web address where the web page displayed is dedicated to facilitating the making of a contribution or donation | 2006 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (m)(2) | Statements that constitute solicitations | 2006 |
- | (m)(3) | Statements that do not constitute solicitations | 2006 |
- | (n) | To direct | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2006 |
- | (o) | Individual holding federal office | 2002 |
Part 300, Subpart A: National party committees
Citation | Subsection | Subject | Year |
300.10 | - | General prohibitions on raising and spending nonfederal funds | 2002 |
- | (a) | Prohibitions | 2002 |
- | (a)(3) | Prohibition on raising and spending Levin funds | 2002 |
- | (b) | Fundraising costs | 2002 |
- | (c) | Application | 2002 |
300.11 | - | Prohibitions on fundraising for and donating to certain tax-exempt organizations | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | General prohibition | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a)(1) | Tax-exempt organizations | 2002 |
- | (a)(2) | Organizations that have applied for tax-exempt status | 2002 |
- | (a)(3) | Section 527 organizations with exceptions | 2002 |
- | (a)(3)(i) | Exception for political committees under FECA | 2002 |
- | (b) | Other persons/entities to which prohibition applies | 2002 |
- | (c) | Certification from 501(c) | 2002 |
- | (d) | Certification safe harbor | 2002 |
- | (e) | When certification is false | 2002 |
- | (f) | Responding to inquiry from tax-exempt group | 2002 |
300.12 | - | Transition rules | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
- | (a) | Permissible uses of excess nonfederal funds | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
- | (b) | Prohibited uses of nonfederal funds | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
- | (c) | Disposal of remaining nonfederal funds | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
- | (d) | National party committee building funds | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
- | (e) | Application | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
- | (f) | Allocation and payment of expenses during transition period | 2002 |
- | - | Removed and reserved | 2016 |
300.13 | - | Reporting | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2016 |
- | (a) | In general | 2002 |
- | - | Reporting of receipts and disbursements | 2016 |
- | (b) | Termination report for nonfederal accounts | 2002 |
- | - | Removed | 2016 |
- | (c) | Transitional reporting rules | 2002 |
- | - | Removed | 2016 |
Part 300, Subpart B: State, district and local party committees and organizations
Citation | Subsection | Subject | Year |
300.30 | - | Accounts | 2002 |
- | (a) | Scope and introduction | 2002 |
- | (b) | Types of accounts | 2002 |
- | (b)(1) | Nonfederal accounts | 2002 |
- | (b)(2) | Levin account | 2002 |
- | (b)(3) | Federal account | 2002 |
- | (b)(3)(i) | Only permissible funds | 2002 |
- | (b)(3)(ii) | Funds that may be deposited | 2002 |
- | (b)(3)(iii) | Disbursements by state or local party in connection with federal election | 2002 |
- | (b)(3)(iv) | Payment of allocable expenses | 2002 |
- | (b)(3)(v) | Permissible transfers | 2002 |
- | (b)(4) | Allocation accounts | 2002 |
- | (c) | Options for paying for FEA | 2002 |
- | (c)(1) | Federal account must be established | 2002 |
- | (c)(2) | Three accounts: federal, nonfederal and Levin | 2002 |
- | (c)(3) | Federal and nonfederal accounts with Levin-eligible funds | 2002 |
- | (d) | Recordkeeping | 2002 |
300.31 | - | Receipt of Levin funds | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2010 |
- | (a) | General rule | 2002 |
- | (b) | Compliance with state law | 2002 |
- | (c) | Funds permitted by state law but prohibited by federal law | 2002 |
- | (d) | Donation amount limitation | 2002 |
- | (d)(1) | General rule | 2002 |
- | (d)(2) | Effect of different state limitations | 2002 |
- | (d)(3) | No affiliation for purposes of this paragraph | 2002 |
- | (e) | No Levin funds from national party committee or federal officeholder | 2002 |
- | (e)(1) | National party committee funds prohibited | 2002 |
- | (e)(2) | Federal candidate/officeholder funds prohibited | 2002 |
- | (f) | Certain joint fundraising prohibited | 2002 |
- | (g) | Joint fundraising safe harbor | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2010 |
300.32 | - | Expenditures and disbursements | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | Federal funds | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a)(1) | Must be used by association of state or local candidates | 2002 |
- | (a)(2) | Must be used by state or local party | 2002 |
(a)(3) | Costs of fundraising | 2002 | |
- | - | 2005 | |
- | (a)(4) | Costs of raising Levin funds | 2002 |
- | (b) | Levin funds | 2002 |
- | (b)(1) | Voter registration activity and Voter ID, GOTV and generic campaign activity | 2002 |
- | (b)(2) | Any lawful use other than specific FEA types III and IV | 2002 |
- | (c) | Conditions and restrictions on spending Levin funds | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (c)(1) | FEA must not refer to federal candidate | 2002 |
- | (c)(2) | Disbursement not for broadcast, cable or satellite communication | 2002 |
- | (c)(3) | Funds raised under 11 CFR 300.31 | 2002 |
- | (c)(4) | Payment for allocable FEA | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (d) | Nonfederal activities | 2002 |
300.33 | - | Allocation of costs of federal election activity | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | Costs of FEA allocable by state, district and local party committees and organizations | 2002 |
- | (a)(1) | Costs of voter registration | 2002 |
- | (a)(2) | Costs of voter ID, GOTV and generic campaign activity within certain time periods | 2002 |
- | (b) | Allocation percentages | 2002 |
- | (c) | Costs of federal election activity not allocable by state, district, and local party committees | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (c)(1) | Public communications | 2002 |
- | (c)(2) | Salaries and wages | 2002 |
- | (c)(3) | Fundraising costs | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (d) | * Transfers between accounts or from allocation accounts | 2002 |
- | - | Costs of salaries, wages and fringe benefits | 2005 |
- | (d)(1) | For employees who spend 25% or less of their compensated time on federal election activities | 2005 |
- | (d)(2) | For employees who spend more than 25% of their compensated time on federal election activities | 2005 |
- | (d)(3) | For employees who spend none of their compensated time on federal election activities | 2005 |
- | (e) | * Transfers between accounts to cover allocable expenses | 2005 |
- | (e)(2)(ii) | Transfer made outside 70-day window results in violation of Act | 2005 |
300.34 | - | Transfers | 2002 |
- | (a) | Federal funds | 2002 |
- | (a)(1) | State or local party must raise federal funds used | 2002 |
- | (b) | Levin funds | 2002 |
- | (b)(1) | No use of transferred funds from any other state or local committee | 2002 |
- | (b)(2) | No use of transferred funds from a national party committee | 2002 |
- | (c) | Allocation transfers | 2002 |
300.35 | - | Office buildings | 2002 |
- | (a) | General provision | 2002 |
- | (b) | Application of state law | 2002 |
- | (c) | Leasing a portion of party office building | 2002 |
- | (d) | Transitional provisions for state party building fund | 2002 |
300.36 | - | Reporting FEA; recordkeeping | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | Unregistered organizations | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2002 |
- | (a)(1) | Demonstration of the use of sufficient federal funds | 2002 |
- | (a)(2) | Payment by unregistered organization of federal funds for FEA does not count as expenditure | 2002 |
2002 | |||
- | (b) | Requirements for state or local organizations that are political committees | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (b)(1) | Committees that have less than $5,000 in aggregated receipts or disbursements for FEA | 2002 |
(b)(2) | Committees that have $5,000 or more in aggregated receipts or disbursements for FEA | 2002 | |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (b)(2)(i) | Reporting allocation percentages used | 2002 |
- | (b)(2)(i)(B) | Reporting category of FEA | 2002 |
- | (b)(2)(ii) | Reporting of allocation transfers between Levin/federal or Levin-eligible/federal accounts | 2002 |
2005 | |||
- | (b)(2)(iii) | Reporting disbursements for FEA | 2002 |
- | (b)(3) | Reporting disbursements allocated between federal and nonfederal funds | 2002 |
- | (c) | Filing | 2002 |
2002 | |||
- | (c)(1) | Monthly schedule | 2002 |
- | (c)(2) | Electronic filing | 2002 |
2002 | |||
- | (d) | Recordkeeping | 2002 |
300.37 | - | Prohibitions on fundraising for and donating to certain tax-exempt organizations | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | Prohibitions | 2002 |
2005 | |||
- | (a)(3) | Fundraising for unregistered section 527 organizations; exemptions | 2002 |
- | (a)(3)(iv) | Fundraising for state or local party’s nonfederal committee | 2002 |
- | (c) | Determining whether an organization makes expenditures or disbursements in connection with a Federal election | 2002 |
- | (c)(1) | Certification by tax-exempt group | 2002 |
- | (c)(2) | Certification by section 527 organization | 2002 |
- | (d) | Criteria for certification | 2002 |
- | (d)(1) | Statement signed by officer with knowledge of organization’s activities | 2002 |
- | (e) | False certification | 2002 |
- | (f) | Response to request for information from tax-exempt group | 2002 |
Part 300, Subpart C: Tax-exempt organizations
Citation | Subsection | Subject | Year |
300.50 | - | Prohibited fundraising by national party committees | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | Prohibitions on fundraising and donations | 2005 |
- | (b)(3) | Application | 2005 |
300.51 | - | Prohibited fundraising by state, district, or local party committees | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | (a) | Prohibitions | 2005 |
- | (b)(2) | Application to entity directly or indirectly established, financed, maintained or controlled by State, district, or local committee | 2005 |
300.52 | - | Fundraising by federal candidates and officeholders | 2002 |
Part 300, Subpart D: Federal candidates and officeholders
Citation | Subsection | Subject | Year |
300.60 | - | Scope | 2002 |
300.61 | - | Federal elections | 2002 |
300.62 | - | Nonfederal elections | 2002 |
300.63 | - | Exceptions for nonfederal candidates | 2002 |
- | - | Exception for state candidates | 2010 |
300.64 | - | Exception for attending, speaking or appearing as a featured guest at fundraising events | 2002 |
- | - | - | 2005 |
- | - | - | 2010 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (a) | Publicizing and advertising fundraising event | 2002 |
- | 2005 | ||
- | - | Scope | 2010 |
- | (b) | May speak without restriction at event | 2002 |
2005 | |||
- | - | Participation at nonfederal fundraising events | 2010 |
- | (b)(1) | Attending, speaking or being a featured guest at nonfederal fundraising events | 2010 |
- | (b)(2) | Solicitations at nonfederal fundraising events | 2010 |
- | (c) | Publicity for nonfederal fundraising events | 2010 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (c)(1) | Publicity not containing a solicitation | 2010 |
- | (c)(2) | Publicity containing a solicitation limited to funds that comply with the amount limitations and source prohibitions of the Act | 2010 |
- | (c)(3) | Publicity containing a solicitation outside the amount limitations and source prohibitions of the Act | 2010 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (c)(3)(i) | When federal candidate or officeholder may consent | 2010 |
- | (c)(3)(ii) | Disclaimer for written publicity | 2010 |
- | - | Disclaimer for printed publicity | 2024 |
- | (c)(3)(iii) | When publicity disseminated through non-written means | 2010 |
- | - | When publicity disseminated through non-printed means | 2024 |
- | (c)(4)(iv) | Examples of disclaimers satisfying requirement | 2010 |
- | (c)(3)(v) | Restrictions on federal candidate, officeholder or agent | 2010 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (c)(3)(v)(A) | Position related to fundraising | 2010 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
- | (c)(3)(V)(B) | Signature appears on communication | 2010 |
- | - | - | 2024 |
300.65 | - | Exceptions for certain tax-exempt organizations | 2002 |
- | (a)(1) | When solicitation permitted | 2002 |
- | (b) | Specific solicitations | 2002 |
- | (c) | Voter registration, voter identification, get-out-the-vote activity and generic campaign activity | 2002 |
- | (d) | Prohibited solicitations | 2002 |
- | (e) | Safe harbor | 2002 |
- | (f) | When safe harbor may not be relied upon | 2002 |