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Citation index: Parts 103 and 104

The citation index lists numerically, then chronologically, all regulations that have a written Explanation and Justification (E&J).

For each regulation listed, the index provides the subject and the year the rule took effect. Be aware that a citation may cover different subjects over the years. The conversion tables trace the periodic reorganization and renumbering of regulations. The Appendix lists previous citations for any current regulation that has been renumbered. Users of this index are referred to the Appendix by an asterisk next to the subject category in this index. If the E&J simply explains an amendment to the regulation, but not a change in Commission policy or citation, only the year and the page are given for the E&J. To locate a particular E&J for a regulation, simply look up the citation, then match up the subject and year, and click on the year listed.

Part 103: Campaign depositories

Citation Subsection Subject Year
103.1 - Organization of political committees 1975
- - Notification of the Commission 1977
- - - 1980
103.2 - Receipts of contributions 1975
- - Depositories 1977
- - - 1980
103.3 - Accounting for contributions and expenditures 1975
- - Deposits and expenditures 1977
- - Deposit of receipts and disbursements 1980
- - - 1987
- - - 2024
- (a) 10 day deposit requirement 1977
- - Depositing of receipts and making of disbursements 1987
- (a)(1) Depositing of receipts 2024
- (a)(2) Making of disbursements 2024
- (b)(1) Refunding of contributions from prohibited sources 1987
- (b)(2) Contributions later discovered to be illegal 1987
- (b)(3) Refunds of excessive contributions 1987
- (b)(4) Legality of contribution in question 1987
- (b)(5) * Recordkeeping and reporting 1987
103.4 - Petty cash fund 1975
- - Vice Presidential candidate campaign depositories 1977
- - - 1980
103.5 - Designation of principal campaign committee 1975
103.6 - Authorized political committee 1975
103.7 - Unauthorized activity; notice 1975
103.8 - Notice; solicitation of contributions 1975
103.9 - Records; retention 1975
103.10 - Segregated funds 1975

Part 104: Reports by political committees and other persons

Citation Subsection Subject Year
104.1 - Notification of the Commission 1975
- General 1977
- - Scope 1980
- (b) Registration unnecessary until candidacy 1980
104.2 - Depositories 1975
- - Form and content of reports 1977
- - Forms 1980
- - - 1985
- - - 2017
- - - 2021
- - - 2024
- (b) Content of report 1977
- - Where to obtain forms 1985
- - - 2017
- - - 2024
- (b)(1) Statement of cash on hand 1977
- (b)(3)(ii) Reporting of small contributions 1977
- (b)(7)(i) Investment of campaign funds 1977
- (c)(1) Consolidated reports 1977
- (c)(2) Exception for consolidated report 1977
- (d) Computer-produced schedules 1980
- (e) Various forms used 1980
- - - 1980
- (e)(3) Forms used by political committees other than authorized committees 1980
104.3 - Deposits and expenditures 1975
- - Disclosure of receipt and consumption of in-kind contributions 1977
- - Contents of reports 1980
- - - 1980
- - - 1985
- - - 1992
- - - 1992
- - - 1995
- - - 1996
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2003
- - - 2010
- - - 2017
- - - 2019
- - - 2019
- - - 2024
- (a) Reporting of receipts 1980
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- 2003
- - - 2010
- (a)(1) Cash on hand requirement 1980
- (a)(2)(ii) Reporting of contributions 1980
- (a)(2)(iii) Contributions from committees that are not political committees 1980
- (a)(3) Categories of receipts for authorized committees 2001
- - - 2010
- (a)(3)(iii) Contributions from party committees 2002
- (a)(3)(vii)(B) Loan from candidate 2002
- - - 2010
- (a)(4)(i) Threshold for itemizing receipts 1980
- - - 2001
- (a)(4)(v) Threshold for identifying persons who provide offset to operating expenditures 1980
- - - 2001
- (a)(4)(vi) Threshold for identifying persons who provide receipts 1980
- - - 2001
- (b) Reporting of disbursements 1980
- - - 1995
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2010
- - - 2019
- (b)(1)(viii) Coordinated party expenditures 2002
- (b)(2) Categories of disbursements for authorized committees 2001
- - - 2010
- (b)(2)(iii)(A) Repayment of candidate loan to candidate 2002
- - - 2010
- (b)(3) Itemization of disbursements by political committees other than authorized committees 1980
- - - 2002
- - - 2019
- (b)(3)(i)(A) Reporting purpose of expenditure 1980
- (b)(3)(vii)(C) Multistate independent expenditures 2019
- (b)(3)(viii) Identification of payee 1980
- - - 2002
- (b)(4) Itemization of disbursements by authorized committees 1995
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2010
- (b)(4)(i) Operating expenditure 1995
- - - 2001
- (b)(4)(i)(A) Purpose of disbursement 2001
- (b)(4)(i)(B) Expenditure to be reimbursed 1995
- - - 2001
- (b)(4)(iii) Repayment of brokerage loan or line of credit 2002
- - - 2010
- (b)(4)(vi) Other disbursements 2001
- (c) Summary of contributions and expenditures 1980
- (d) Reporting debts and obligations 1980
- - - 1980
- - - 1985
- - - 1990
- - - 1992
- - - 1992
- - - 2002
- - - 2010
- - - 2014
- (d)(1) Supplemental loan information 1992
- - - 1992
- - - 2002
- - - 2002
- - - 2014
- (d)(1)(iv) Basis upon which loan is made 2002
- (d)(1)(v) Certification by lender 1992
- - - 1992
- - - 2002
- (d)(2) Copy of loan agreement 1992
- - - 1992
- (d)(3) Line of credit; restructured loan 1992
- - - 1992
- (d)(4) Candidate loan derived from lending institution 2002
- - - 2010
- (e) Pseudonyms 1980
- - - 1996
- - - 2017
- - - 2019
- - - 2024
- (e)(3) Use of pseudonyms 1980
- (e)(5) Point of entry for pseudonyms 1996
- - - 2017
- - - 2019
- - - 2024
- (f) Consolidated reports 1980
- - - 1980
- - - 2025
- (g) Building funds 1980
- - - 1980
- - - 2002
- - - 2003
- (g)(1) Federal funds used for building funds 2003
- (g)(2) Donations to nonfederal party building fund accounts 2003
- (g)(3) Building fund receipts by national committees 2003
- (h) Legal and accounting services 1980
- - - 1980
- - - 2002
- (i) Cumulative reports 1980
- - - 2001
- (j) Earmarked contributions 1980
- (k) Reporting election cycle activity occurring prior to January 1, 2001 2001
104.4 - Vice presidential candidate campaign depositories 1975
- - Filing dates 1977
- - * Independent expenditures by political committees 1980
- - - 1996
- - - 2002
- - - 2003
- - - 2016
- - - 2019
- - - 2019
- - - 2024
- (a) Regularly scheduled reporting 2003
- (b) Reporting independent expenditures made anytime up to and including 20 days before election 2002
- - - 2003
- - - 2016
- - - 2019
- (b)(1) Reports of independent expenditures aggregating less than $10,000 2002
- - - 2003
- - - 2016
- (b)(2) Reports of independent expenditures aggregating $10,000 or more 2002
- - - 2003
- - - 2016
- (c) Where to file 1996
- - Reports of independent expenditures made less than 20 days, but more than 24 hours before election 2003
- (d) Verification of independence 2003
- - - 2024
- (d)(2) Reports filed by electronic mail 2003
- - - 2024
- (e) 48-hour notices of contributions 1977
- - * Where to file independent expenditure reports 2003
- - - 2019
- (e)(2) Independent expenditure reports concerning Senate candidates 2003
- - *Independent expenditure reports concerning House and Senate candidates 2019
- (e)(3) * When state filing waiver applies 2019
- (e)(4) State filing waiver 2003
- - Redesignated as 104.4(e)(3) 2019
- (f) Aggregating independent expenditures for reporting purposes 2003
- - - 2019
- (f)(1) * Aggregating independent expenditures for reporting purposes 2019
- (f)(2) Aggregating multistate independent expenditures for reporting purposes 2019
104.5 - Uniform reporting of contributions 1977
- - * Filing dates 1980
- - - 1996
- - - 2000
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2003
- - - 2004
- - - 2005
- - - 2014
- - - 2019
- (a) Principal campaign committee 1980
- - - 2003
- - - 2005
- (a)(1) Quarterly reports 2003
- (a)(2) Additional reports in an election year 2003
- - 2005
- (a)(2)(i)(A) Pre-election reports filing due date 2005
- (b) Principal campaign committee of presidential candidate 1980
- - - 2003
- (b)(1) Election year reports 2003
- (b)(2) Non-election year reports 2003
- (c) Committees other than authorized committees 1980
- - - 2003
- - - 2004
- - - 2005
- - - 2014
- (c)(1) Election year reports 2005
- (c)(1)(ii) Pre-election reports filing due date 2005
- (c)(3) Monthly reports 2004
- - - 2014
- (c)(3)(ii) Monthly filers - election year 2004
- - - 2014
- (c)(4) National party committee reporting 2003
- (d) Committees supporting vice presidential candidates 1980
- (e) Date of filing 1980
- - - 2001
- - - 2005
- (f) * 48-hour notification of contributions 1980
- - - 1996
- - - 2002
- - - 2019
- (g) * 24-hour report of independent expenditures 1980
- - - 2002
- - Reports of independent expenditures 2003
- (g)(1) 48-hour reports of independent expenditures 2003
- (g)(2) * 24-hour reports of independent expenditures 2003
- (g)(4) When mailed communication is publicly disseminated 2003
- (h) Special election reports 1980
- (i) Retention of proof of filing 2000
- (j) 24-hour statements of electioneering communications 2003
104.6 - Uniform reporting of expenditures 1977
- - Form and content of internal communication reports 1980
- - - 2002
- - - 2014
- - - 2024
- (a) Form 1980
- - - 2002
- (b) Filing dates 1980
- - - 2014
- (c) Inclusions in report 1980
- - - 2024
- (c)(1) Type of communication 2024
104.7 - Allocation of expenditures among candidates 1977
- - Best efforts 1980
- - - 1994
- - - 1994
- - - 1997
- - - 1999
- - - 2001
- (b) Contributor identification 1994
- - - 1994
- - - 1997
- - - 1999
- - - 2001
- (b)(1) Requested with solicitation 1994
- - - 1994
- - - 1997
- (b)(2) Additional request for missing information 1994
- - - 1999
- (b)(3) Reporting information in committee's possession 1994
- - - 1997
- - 2001
- (b)(4) Amending reports 1994
- - - 2001
- (b)(4)(ii) Filing amendments 2001
104.8 - Continuous reporting of debts and obligations 1977
- - Uniform reporting of contributions 1980
- - - 1987
- - Uniform reporting of receipts 1991
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2002
- - - 2010
- (a) Threshold amount 1980
- - - 1991
- - - 2001
- (b) Aggregating contributions 1980
- - - 2001
- (c) Signatures on instrument 1980
- (d) Reporting contributions by more than one person 1980
- - - 1987
- (d)(1) Itemizable joint contributions 1987
- (d)(2) Reporting of redesignated contributions 1987
- (d)(3) Reattributed itemized contributions 1987
- (d)(4) Reporting of contribution refunds 1987
- (e) Donations to national party nonfederal account 1991
- - - 2002
- (f) Donations to national party building fund account 1991
- - - 2002
- (g) Candidate loan derived from lending institution 2002
- - - 2010
- (g)(2) Certain loans used for candidate's routine living expenses 2010
104.9 - Waiver of reporting requirements 1977
- - Uniform reporting of expenditures 1980
- - Uniform reporting of disbursements 1991
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2002
- - - 2014
- (a) Expenditures made from federal account 1991
- - - 2001
- (b) Threshold for itemization of expenditures to specific payee 1991
- - - 2001
- (c) Expenditures made from nonfederal account 1991
- - - 2002
- (d) Expenditures made from building fund accounts 1991
- - - 2002
- (e) Nonfederal transfers from national to state party 1991
- - - 2002
- (f) Repayment of loans and advances 2002
- - - 2014
104.10 - Political committees; cash on hand 1977
- - Allocation of expenditures among candidates 1980
- - Reporting of expenses allocated among candidates and activities 1991
- - - 2002
- - - 2005
- - - 2024
- (a) Allocated among candidates 1991
- - - 2002
- - - 2024
- (a)(1) Reporting of allocation of expenses attributable to specific federal and nonfederal candidates 1991
- (a)(2) Reporting of transfers between accounts for the purpose of paying expenses attributable to specific federal and nonfederal candidates 1991
- (a)(3) Reporting of allocated disbursements attributable to specific federal and nonfederal candidates 1991
- (a)(4) Recordkeeping 1991
- - - 2024
- (b) Allocated among activities 1991
- - - 2002
- - - 2005
- - - 2024
- (b)(1) Allocation of administrative expenses and costs of generic voter drives 1991
- - 2002
- - Allocation of administrative expenses and costs of generic voter drives and public communications referring to political party 2005
- (b)(1)(i) First report in calendar year 2002
- (b)(1)(ii) Subsequent reports in calendar year 2002
- (b)(2) Reporting of allocation of the direct costs of fundraising and costs of exempt activities 1991
- (b)(3) Reporting of transfers between accounts for the purpose of paying allocable expenses 1991
- (b)(4) Reporting of allocated disbursements 1991
- (b)(5) Recordkeeping 1991
- - - 2024
104.11 - Members of Congress; reporting exemption 1977
- - * Continuous reporting of debts and obligations 1980
- - - 1990
- (b) Timing of reporting 1990
104.12 - Formal requirements regarding reports and statements 1977
- - * Beginning cash on hand for political committees 1980
104.13 - Sale or use restriction 1977
- - * Disclosure of receipt and consumption of in-kind contributions 1980
104.14 - * Formal requirements regarding reports and statements 1980
- - - 1996
- - - 2002
- - - 2002
- - - 2014
- - - 2019
- - - 2024
- (a) Signature requirement 2002
- - - 2014
- (a)(1) Filed by email or facsimile machine 2002
- - - 2014
- (a)(2) Filed electronically 2002
(b) Maintenance of records 2002
- - - 2024
(b)(4) Records supporting loans obtained by candidates 2002
- (b)(4)(iv) Source of funds for brokerage fund account 2002
- (b)(4)(v) Documentation for loan payments 2002
- (c) Acknowledgment of receipt 1996
- - - 2019
104.15 - * Sale or use restriction 1980
- - - 1996
- (a) Prohibition on use of reports 1996
104.16 - Audits 1980
104.17 - Contents of reports, presidential and vice presidential committees 1980
- - Section repealed 1995
- - Allocable expenses by party committees 2002
- - - 2024
- (a) Allocated among candidates 2002
- - - 2024
- (a)(1) Reporting of allocation of expenses attributable to specific federal and nonfederal candidates 2002
- (a)(2) Reporting of transfers between accounts for the purpose of paying expenses attributable to specific federal and nonfederal candidates 2002
- (a)(3) Reporting of allocated disbursements attributable to specific federal and nonfederal candidates 2002
(a)(4) Recordkeeping 2002
- - - 2024
- (b) Allocated activities that are not federal election activity 2002
- - - 2024
- (b)(1) Reporting of allocations of expenses for activities that are not Federal election activities 2002
- (b)(1)(i) First report of calendar year 2002
- (b)(1)(ii) Subsequent reports of calendar year 2002
- (b)(1)(iii) Unique identifying code 2002
- (b)(2) Reporting of transfers between the accounts of state, district, and local party committees and into allocation accounts for allocable expenses 2002
- (b)(3) Reporting of allocated disbursements for certain allocable activity that is not Federal election activity 2002
- (b)(3)(i) Disbursements from federal account 2002
- (b)(3)(ii) Disbursements from federal and Levin accounts 2002
- (b)(4) Recordkeeping 2002
- - - 2024
104.18 - Electronic filing of reports 1997
- - - 2001
- - - 2002
- - - 2016
- - - 2019
- (a) General 1997
- - Mandatory 2001
- - - 2016
- - - 2019
- (a)(1) Threshold for mandatory filing 2001
- - - 2019
- (a)(2) Filing for the calendar year 2001
- (a)(3) Have reason to expect to exceed 2001