Citation index: Parts 140 - 146 (General election financing)
The citation index lists numerically, then chronologically, all regulations that have a written Explanation and Justification (E&J).
For each regulation listed, the index provides the subject and the year the rule took effect. Be aware that a citation may cover different subjects over the years. The conversion tables trace the periodic reorganization and renumbering of regulations. The Appendix lists previous citations for any current regulation that has been renumbered. Users of this index are referred to the Appendix by an asterisk next to the subject category in this index. If the E&J simply explains an amendment to the regulation, but not a change in Commission policy or citation, only the year and the page are given for the E&J. To locate a particular E&J for a regulation, simply look up the citation, then match up the subject and year, and click on the year listed.
Part 140: Definitions
Citation | Subsection | Subject | Year |
140.1 | - | Authorized committee | 1977 |
140.2 | - | Candidate | 1977 |
140.3 | - | Commission | 1977 |
140.4 | - | Eligible candidates | 1977 |
140.5 | - | Funds | 1977 |
140.6 | - | Major party | 1977 |
140.7 | - | Minor party | 1977 |
140.8 | - | New party | 1977 |
140.9 | - | Political committee | 1977 |
140.10 | - | Presidential election | 1977 |
140.11 | - | Qualified campaign expense | 1977 |
- | (d) | Travel expenditures | 1977 |
- | (d)(2) | Services provided to media and Secret Service | 1977 |
- | (e) | What is not a qualified campaign expense | 1977 |
- | (e)(2) | Legal and accounting services | 1977 |
140.12 | - | Expenditure report period | 1977 |
140.13 | - | Contribution; exemptions | 1977 |
- | (b)(1) | Bank loan endorsed by candidate | 1977 |