October reporting reminder (2020)
Committees must file the following reports in October:
- All authorized committees of House and Senate candidates must file a quarterly report by October 15, 2020. The report covers financial activity from July 1 (or the day after the closing date of the last report) through September 30;
- Authorized committees of presidential candidates must file a report by October 15, if they are quarterly filers (the report covers financial activity from July 1 through September 30), or by October 20, if they are monthly filers (the report covers activity for the month of September);
- National party committees and other political committees following a monthly filing schedule must file a monthly report by October 20. This includes state, district and local party committees that engage in reportable “federal election activity” (see the “State, district and local party committees” section below). The report covers activity for the month of September; and
- PACs and party committees following a quarterly reporting schedule must file a quarterly report by October 15, covering activity from July 1 (or the day after the closing date of the last report) through September 30.
- Pre-General reports are due on October 22 (close of books, October 14). Candidate committees must file this report if their candidate is running in the general election. PACs, parties and all other committees that file quarterly must file this report if they make contributions or expenditures in connection with the general election during the October 1-14 reporting period. PACs and party committees that file on a monthly schedule must file the Pre-General report in lieu of the regular November 20 monthly report. If sent by registered or certified mail, the Pre-General report must be postmarked on or before October 19. If using overnight mail, the delivery service must receive the report on or before October 19. See "Timely Filing for Paper Filers."
Quarterly filers that participate in special elections may need to file pre- and post-election reports that are not accounted for above. Remember, reporting periods always begin the day after the closing date of the last report filed.
Reporting help is always just a phone call away at 800-424-9530. Select option 4 for technical assistance with electronic filing, option 5 to speak with the analyst who reviews your committee’s reports or option 6 to speak with an Information Specialist. You can also submit a question for your analyst online.
The Commission will also host the following educational webinar(s) over the next few months:
- Reporting and FECFile Webinars for Candidate Committees on September 23, 2020
- Reporting and FECFile Webinars for PACs and Party Committees on September 24, 2020
- Winding Down the Campaign & Post-General Reporting on November 18, 2020
Get more information and register now for the FEC webinars
Notification of filing deadlines
In addition to publishing this article and the online reporting tables, the Commission notifies committees of filing deadlines through reporting reminders called prior notices. Prior notices are distributed exclusively by email, so every committee should ensure that the email address on its Statement of Organization (Form 1) is current. Each committee may list up to two email addresses. To amend Form 1, electronic filers must submit Form 1 filled out in its entirety. Paper filers should include only the committee’s name, address, FEC identification number and the updated or changed portions of the form. All committees may also use our online webform to update their information.
Treasurer’s responsibilities
The Commission provides prior notices of upcoming filing deadlines as a courtesy to help committees comply with the filing requirements set forth in the Federal Election Campaign Act (the Act) and Commission regulations. Committee treasurers are responsible for filing committee reports on time. Not receiving a prior notice does not excuse committee treasurers for failing to comply with any filing deadline.
Filing electronically
Under the Commission’s mandatory electronic filing regulations, individuals and organizations that receive contributions or make expenditures, including independent expenditures, aggregating in excess of $50,000 in a calendar year—or have reason to expect to do so—must file all reports and statements electronically.
Reports filed electronically must be received and validated by the Commission by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the filing date. Electronic filers who file on paper or submit an electronic report that does not pass the Commission’s validation program by that time on the filing deadline will be considered nonfilers and may be subject to enforcement actions, including administrative fines.
The Commission’s electronic filing software, FECFile, is free and can be downloaded from the FEC's website. All reports filed must be filed in version 8.3 of the electronic filing software. Reports filed in previous versions of the software will not be accepted. Filers may also use commercial or privately developed software as long as the software meets the Commission’s format specifications. Committees using commercial software should contact their vendors to ensure their software meets the latest specifications.
Timely filing for paper filers
Despite the resumption of limited mail operations at the FEC, the processing of campaign finance reports filed on paper may be delayed. As a result, paper filers may receive non-filer notices during this time. Nevertheless, filers should continue to file their reports on time.
Registered and certified mail
Reports sent by registered or certified mail are considered to be filed on the date of their postmark. Accordingly, quarterly reports sent by registered or certified mail must be postmarked on or before the filing deadline to be considered timely filed. A committee sending its reports by registered or certified mail should keep its mailing receipt with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) postmark as proof of mailing, because the USPS does not keep complete records of items sent by certified or registered mail.
Overnight mail
Reports sent via overnight mail will be considered timely filed if the report is postmarked on or before the filing deadline. “Overnight mail” includes Priority Mail or Priority Express Mail having a delivery confirmation, or an overnight service with which the report is scheduled for next business day delivery and is recorded in the service’s online tracking system. Note that “Express Mail” as referred to in FEC regulations has been renamed “Priority Express Mail” by the USPS. Reports filed via overnight mail will be considered timely filed if the report is received by the delivery service on or before the mailing/filing deadline. A committee sending its reports by Priority Mail or Priority Express Mail, or by an overnight delivery service, should keep its proof of mailing or other means of transmittal of its reports.
Other means of filing
Reports sent by other means — including first class mail and courier — must be received by the FEC before close of business on the filing deadline. Forms may be downloaded from the FEC's website. Reports submitted by first-class mail will be considered filed when actually received by Commission staff, subject to delays resulting from the agency’s limited mail processing. The Commission is not accepting courier deliveries at this time. The FEC does not have statutory authority to extend filing deadlines, but it may choose not to pursue administrative fines against filers prevented from filing by reasonably unforeseen circumstances beyond their control.
Authorized committees of candidates
House and Senate candidates
All campaigns that have a reporting obligation must file quarterly reports. Generally, an individual becomes a candidate for federal office, thus triggering registration and reporting obligations, when his or her campaign exceeds $5,000 in either contributions received or expenditures made. If the campaign has not exceeded the $5,000 threshold, it is not required to file reports.
Presidential candidates
All principal campaign committees of presidential candidates must file on either a monthly or a quarterly schedule in 2020. A committee whose contributions or expenditures exceed—or are expected to exceed—$100,000, must file monthly reports in 2020. Committees that have not exceeded the $100,000 threshold and do not expect to do so, file quarterly reports in 2020. Presidential committees able to change their reporting schedule and that wish to do so are required to notify the Commission in writing. Committees of Presidential candidates who are no longer participating in the election that have exceeded the $100,000 threshold must submit a filing frequency change request if they wish to file on a quarterly schedule; otherwise, they must file on a monthly schedule.
Candidates with more than one authorized committee
If a candidate has more than one authorized committee, the principal campaign committee files, with its own report (FEC Form 3 or 3P), a consolidated report of receipts and disbursements (FEC Form 3Z) showing its own activity as well as the activity of all other authorized committees of the candidate.
State, district and local party committees
State, district and local party committees that engage in reportable “federal election activity” must file on a monthly schedule in 2020. Committees that do not engage in reportable “federal election activity” may file on a quarterly schedule in 2020.
National party committees
National committees of political parties must file on a monthly schedule in 2020.
Other political committees
Political committees (PACs), including separate segregated funds, committees with non-contribution accounts (also sometimes called Hybrid PACs), independent expenditure-only committees (Super PACs) and other nonconnected committees that filed on a semi-annual basis in 2019 file on a quarterly basis in 2020. Monthly filers continue on the monthly schedule.
Changing filing frequency
PACs may change their filing schedule once a year, but must first notify the Commission in writing (or electronically, if electronic filers). A committee may change its filing frequency only once per calendar year.
The committee will receive a letter from the Commission approving the frequency change.
Additional information
For more information on 2020 reporting dates:
- Call and request the reporting tables from the FEC at 800/424-9530 or 202/694-1100; or
- Visit the FEC’s Dates and deadlines web page to view the reporting tables online.
11 CFR 100.3(a)
Definition of candidate
11 CFR 100.5(d) and (f)(1)
Political committee
11 CFR 100.19
Timely filed reports; electronically filed reports
11 CFR 100.29(a)
Definition of electioneering communication
11 CFR 104.3(f)
Contents of reports
11 CFR 104.4(b)(2) and (c), 104.5(g) and 109.10(c) and (d)
Reports of independent expenditures made at any time up to and including the 20th day before an election and those made less than 20 days, but more than 24 hours before the day of an election
11 CFR 104.5(a)-(f), (h) and (i)
Filing dates for candidates; filing dates for committees that are not authorized committees of candidates; date of filing; 48-hour notice of contributions; special election reports; retaining proof of mailing
11 CFR 104.18(a)(1)-(2) and (e)
Mandatory electronic filing and validation program
11 CFR 104.22(a)(5) and (b)
Disclosure of bundling by lobbyist/registrants and lobbyist/registrant PAC reporting requirement
11 CFR 110.17(e)(2) and (f)
Lobbyist/registrant and lobbyist/registrant PAC contribution bundling disclosure threshold