2019 reporting dates
- Filing frequency by type of filer
- Quarterly reporting schedule and report notices (House, Senate and presidential campaign committees)
- Semi-annual reporting schedule and report notices (PACs and parties)
- Monthly reporting schedule and report notices (PACs, parties and presidential campaign committees)
- Coordinated communications
- Electioneering communications
- Federal Election Activity (FEA) periods
- Independent expenditures (24- and 48-hour reports)
2019 special elections
- California 25th Congressional District
- Maryland 7th Congressional District
- New York 27th Congressional District
- Prior Notice - coming soon
- Federal Register Notice - coming soon
- Special General: TBA
- Special General: TBA
- North Carolina 3rd Congressional District
- North Carolina 9th Congressional District
- Pennsylvania 12th Congressional District
- Wisconsin 7th Congressional District
[1] In the event that Special Runoff Elections are NOT necessary, the Special General Election will be held on July 9, 2019, instead of September 10, 2019.
[2] In the event that Special Runoff Elections are NOT necessary, the Special General Election will be held on September 10, 2019, instead of November 5, 2019.