Presidential spending limits
As one of the conditions for receiving public funding, presidential candidates must agree to abide by certain spending limitations. The limits applicable to publicly funded candidates running in 2024 are listed on this page.
For additional information on the public funding program, please consult our page on public funding of presidential elections.
General election spending limit for 2024
The spending limit for 2024 for publicly funded general election presidential candidates is $123,595,200.
Overall spending limit for 2024 primaries
The overall spending limit for publicly funded presidential candidates in the primary elections is $61,797,600.
State-by-state primary limits
State | Voting Age Population | Expenditure limitation |
Alabama | 3,977,628 | $3,932,900 |
Alaska | 557,899 | $1,236,000 |
Arizona | 5,848,310 | $5,782,600 |
Arkansas | 2,362,124 | $2,335,600 |
California | 30,519,524 | $30,176,500 |
Colorado | 4,662,926 | $4,610,500 |
Connecticut | 2,894,190 | $2,861,700 |
Delaware | 819,952 | $1,236,000 |
DC | 552,380 | $1,236,000 |
Florida | 18,229,883 | $18,025,000 |
Georgia | 8,490,546 | $8,395,100 |
Hawaii | 1,141,525 | $1,236,000 |
Idaho | 1,497,384 | $1,480,600 |
Illinois | 9,844,167 | $9,733,500 |
Indiana | 5,274,945 | $5,215,700 |
Iowa | 2,476,882 | $2,449,000 |
Kansas | 2,246,209 | $2,221,000 |
Kentucky | 3,509,259 | $3,469,800 |
Louisiana | 3,509,600 | $3,467,200 |
Maine | 1,146,670 | $1,236,000 |
Maryland | 4,818,337 | $4,764,200 |
Massachusetts | 5,659,598 | $5,596,000 |
Michigan | 7,925,350 | $7,836,300 |
Minnesota | 4,436,981 | $4,387,100 |
Mississippi | 2,259,864 | $2,234,500 |
Missouri | 4,821,686 | $4,767,500 |
Montana | 897,161 | $1,236,000 |
Nebraska | 1,497,381 | $1,480,600 |
Nevada | 2,508,220 | $2,480,000 |
New Hampshire | 1,150,004 | $1,236,000 |
New Jersey | 7,280,551 | $7,198,700 |
New Mexico | 1,663,024 | $1,644,300 |
New York | 15,611,308 | $15,435,900 |
North Carolina | 8,498,868 | $8,403,400 |
North Dakota | 599,192 | $1,236,000 |
Ohio | 9,207,681 | $9,104,200 |
Oklahoma | 3,087,217 | $3,052,500 |
Oregon | 3,401,528 | $3,363,300 |
Pennsylvania | 10,332,678 | $10,216,600 |
Rhode Island | 892,124 | $1,236,000 |
South Carolina | 4,229,354 | $4,181,800 |
South Dakota | 697,420 | $1,236,000 |
Tennessee | 5,555,761 | $5,493,300 |
Texas | 22,942,176 | $22,684,300 |
Utah | 2,484,582 | $2,456,700 |
Vermont | 532,828 | $1,236,000 |
Virginia | 6,834,154 | $6,757,300 |
Washington | 6,164,810 | $6,095,500 |
West Virginia | 1,417,859 | $1,401,900 |
Wisconsin | 4,661,826 | $4,609,400 |
Wyoming | 454,508 | $1,236,000 |
U.S. Territories | Voting Age Population | Expenditure limitation |
American Samoa | n/a | $1,236,000 |
Guam | n/a | $1,236,000 |
Northern Mariana Islands | n/a | $1,236,000 |
Puerto Rico | 2,707,012 | $2,676,600 |
Virgin Islands | n/a | $1,236,000 |
* No population figures are given for the U.S. Territories (except Puerto Rico). The minimum amount is assumed.
For additional information on the state-by-state primary limits, contact