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AO 2024-13

DSCC, Montanans for Tester, and Gallego for Arizona


Payment of costs for television advertisements. (Commission did not reach an agreement, so no AO was issued.)


Final opinion October 10, 2024
Date Name Document type
10/10/2024 Closeout Letter Final Opinion
10/10/2024 Vote Votes
10/09/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document No. 24-42-A, by DSCC, Montanans for Tester, and Gallego for Arizona Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/09/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document Nos. 24-42-A and 24-42B1, by RNC Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/09/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document Nos. 24-42-A, 24-42-B, and 24-42B1, by NRSC Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/09/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document Nos. 24-42-A, 24-42-B, and 24-42B1, by Something Else Strategies Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/08/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document Nos. 24-42-A, 24-42-B, and 24-42B1, by Holtzman Vogel Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/07/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document No. 24-42-A, by Hogan for Maryland Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/07/2024 Comment on Draft AO, Agenda Document Nos. 24-42-A, 24-42-B, and 24-42B1, by End Citizens United Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/07/2024 Comments on Draft AO, Agenda Document Nos. 24-42-A, 24-42-B, and 24-42B1, by David Dixon and Adam Magnus Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/04/2024 Draft AO (Revised Draft B), Agenda Document No. 24-42-B1 (Comments due on October 9, 2024, by 12:00pm ET) Draft Documents
10/03/2024 Comment on AOR 2024-13 by Campaign Legal Center Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/03/2024 Comment on AOR 2024-13 by DSCC, Montanans for Tester and Gallego for Arizona Comments and Ex parte Communications
10/03/2024 Draft AO, Agenda Document No. 24-42-A (Comments due on October 9, 2024, by 12:00pm ET) Draft Documents
10/03/2024 Draft AO, Agenda Document No. 24-42-B (Comments due on October 9, 2024, by 12:00pm ET) Draft Documents
10/01/2024 Comment on AOR 2024-13 by NRCC Comments and Ex parte Communications
09/30/2024 Comment on AOR 2024-13 by NRSC Comments and Ex parte Communications
09/30/2024 Comment on AOR 2024-13 by Republican National Committee Comments and Ex parte Communications
09/23/2024 Extension of Time from DSCC, Montanans for Tester and Gallego for Arizona AO Request, Supplemental Material, and Extensions of Time
09/18/2024 Request by DSCC, Montanans for Tester and Gallego for Arizona (Comments due by October 3, 2024) AO Request, Supplemental Material, and Extensions of Time


Role Name Type
Requestor DSCC Party committee, national
Requestor Gallego for Arizona Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder
Requestor Montanans for Tester Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder
Counsel/Representative Mr. Saurav Ghosh Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Dickinson Wright PLLC Law Firm
Counsel/Representative Adam Magnus Individual
Counsel/Representative Tiffany Muller Individual
Counsel/Representative David Dixon Individual
Counsel/Representative J. Justin Riemer Individual
Counsel/Representative Ryan Dollar Individual
Counsel/Representative Matthew S Petersen Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Andrew Watkins Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Jessica F. Johnson Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Holtzman Vogel Baran Torchinsky & Josefiak PLLC Law Firm
Counsel/Representative Ms. Emma R. Anspach Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Mr. Jonathan A. Peterson Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Elias Law Group Law Firm
Counsel/Representative E. Stewart Crosland Individual
Counsel/Representative Mr. Michael Toner Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Mr. Charles Spies Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Ms. Jacquelyn K. Lopez Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Jones Day Law Firm
Counsel/Representative Wiley Rein LLP Law Firm
Counsel/Representative Ms. Brandis L. Zehr Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Mr. Michael Bayes Esq. Individual
Counsel/Representative Ms. Shanna M. Reulbach Esq. Individual
Commenter Campaign Legal Center Research/Public Interest/Educational Institution
Commenter DSCC Party committee, national
Commenter Something Else Strategies Other
Commenter Gallego for Arizona Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder
Commenter Montanans for Tester Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder
Commenter Magnus Pearson Media Corporation (including LLCs electing corporate status)
Commenter Dixon Davis Media Group Corporation (including LLCs electing corporate status)
Commenter Hogan for Maryland Inc. Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder
Commenter End Citizens United Nonconnected political committee
Commenter Andrew Pardue Esq. Individual
Commenter Andrew Watkins Esq. Individual
Commenter Jessica F. Johnson Esq. Individual
Commenter Matthew S Petersen Esq. Individual
Commenter Jill H. Vogel Esq. Individual
Commenter National Republican Congressional Committee Party committee, national
Commenter Republican National Committee Party committee, national
Commenter National Republican Senatorial Committee Party committee, national
Commenter Stephen P. Roberts Esq. Individual
Commenter Mr. Michael Bayes Esq. Individual
Commenter Mr. Jason Torchinsky Esq. Individual