AO 2024-13
DSCC, Montanans for Tester, and Gallego for ArizonaSummary
Payment of costs for television advertisements. (Commission did not reach an agreement, so no AO was issued.)
Final opinion October 10, 2024
Role | Name | Type |
Requestor | DSCC | Party committee, national |
Requestor | Gallego for Arizona | Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder |
Requestor | Montanans for Tester | Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Saurav Ghosh Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Dickinson Wright PLLC | Law Firm |
Counsel/Representative | Adam Magnus | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Tiffany Muller | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | David Dixon | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | J. Justin Riemer | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Ryan Dollar | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Matthew S Petersen Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Andrew Watkins Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Jessica F. Johnson Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Holtzman Vogel Baran Torchinsky & Josefiak PLLC | Law Firm |
Counsel/Representative | Ms. Emma R. Anspach Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Jonathan A. Peterson Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Elias Law Group | Law Firm |
Counsel/Representative | E. Stewart Crosland | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Michael Toner Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Charles Spies Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Ms. Jacquelyn K. Lopez Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Jones Day | Law Firm |
Counsel/Representative | Wiley Rein LLP | Law Firm |
Counsel/Representative | Ms. Brandis L. Zehr Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Michael Bayes Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Ms. Shanna M. Reulbach Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Campaign Legal Center | Research/Public Interest/Educational Institution |
Commenter | DSCC | Party committee, national |
Commenter | Something Else Strategies | Other |
Commenter | Gallego for Arizona | Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder |
Commenter | Montanans for Tester | Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder |
Commenter | Magnus Pearson Media | Corporation (including LLCs electing corporate status) |
Commenter | Dixon Davis Media Group | Corporation (including LLCs electing corporate status) |
Commenter | Hogan for Maryland Inc. | Federal candidate/candidate committee/officeholder |
Commenter | End Citizens United | Nonconnected political committee |
Commenter | Andrew Pardue Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Andrew Watkins Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Jessica F. Johnson Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Matthew S Petersen Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Jill H. Vogel Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | National Republican Congressional Committee | Party committee, national |
Commenter | Republican National Committee | Party committee, national |
Commenter | National Republican Senatorial Committee | Party committee, national |
Commenter | Stephen P. Roberts Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Mr. Michael Bayes Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | Mr. Jason Torchinsky Esq. | Individual |