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Presidential candidate map data

The presidential map summarizes financial information disclosed by each presidential candidate who has reported at least $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate.

Presidential candidate map overview

The map presents the totals by state for each candidate (or for all candidates, all Democrats, or all Republicans) in contributions from individuals. The color gradients represent the value of contributions from individuals in each state. The color gradients are designed to be proportional across states for each candidate.

The candidate list displays each candidate's overall receipts, including contributions from the candidate, individuals and other political committees as well as transfers from the candidate’s prior federal campaigns. Presidential candidates are included in this presentation if they have reported receipts of more than $100,000 from sources outside the candidate's own funds. Selecting a candidate from the list will update the map to show individual contribution totals received only by that candidate.

Select a state to update the candidate list and display raising totals from the state. Doing so will also isolate a view of that state's individual contribution total and display the option to export individual contributions from the state.

Data displayed on the map is exportable as a .csv file by clicking the export buttons on many views of the map.


The “Summary” table shows the breakdown of financial categories: receipts, disbursements, cash-on-hand, and debts owed by the committee.


The “Raising" table shows the breakdown of receipts by source. Contributions are listed first, by the specific types of donors: individuals, political action committees (PACs), party committees, and personal contributions from the Candidate. Each of these amounts represents the total for the election cycle, and each category has been adjusted for any refunds the campaign has made to these sources. “Transfers-In” displays the total amount of all transfers from previous federal campaigns or any other committees authorized by each candidate.

This table also breaks down contributions from individuals by size. Contributions must be listed separately on FEC disclosure reports filed by candidate committees once the total received from any one person exceeds $200 in an election cycle. This table groups these itemized contributions by size, and also includes the total of individual contributions that have not exceeded the $200 threshold. This list only includes contributions from individuals and does not include receipts from other sources. Individual contribution limits are indexed for inflation in odd-numbered years. The most recent contribution limits are here. Adjustments have been made in this table where large contributions have been redesignated for a different election or reattributed to a different person.

NOTE: Individual contributions to the candidates that have come through joint fundraising committees are included in this section. These specific contributions are reported as transfers from authorized committees so these contributions are included in the "Transfers-in" category of the "Raising" table.


The "Expenditures" table provides more information about the types of spending reported by presidential campaigns. "Operating expenditures" are the routine costs of campaigning — these would include staffing, travel, advertising, voter outreach, etc. "Transfers to other authorized" includes transfers to other committees within the same presidential campaign (for example, to a general election legal and accounting fund) or transfers back to campaigns for other offices when the presidential campaign has ended. "Fundraising expenditures" and "exempt legal and accounting disbursements" apply to primary election campaigns for candidates accepting public matching funds. Some spending for these activities is exempt from the overall spending limit imposed on those receiving matching funds. The total of any "loan repayments" made by the campaign are also listed here. "Other disbursements" include a variety of miscellaneous payments. "Offsets to expenditures" are actually receipts, but they reflect returns of deposits paid to vendors and other refunds back to the committee; this value is often subtracted from expenditure totals to get a better sense of actual spending. "Contribution refunds" represents the total returned by the campaign to donors.

Reporting periods

Data displayed on the map is up to date through the date displayed on the summary table based on the selected committee's latest filings. Prior to the election year, presidential committees shown on the presidential map file quarterly. During the election year, they convert to monthly filing. For more detail on reporting schedules, visit the Dates and deadlines page.

Note: Newly filed summary data may not appear for up to 48 hours after receiving a filing from a committee.

Methodology and formulas

Formula to include candidates on the map:

The numbers below represent the line numbers from the detailed summary pages of Form 3P.

17(a)(iii)-28(a) + 17(b)-28(b) + 17(c)-28(c) + 18 + 21

Formula for "total raised" on the candidates list:

The numbers below represent the line numbers from the detailed summary pages of Form 3P.

17(a)(iii)-28(a) + 17(b)-28(b) + 17(c)-28(c) + 17(d) + 18 + 19(a)-27(a) + 19(b)-27(b) + 21 + 16

In general, the formula represents the sum of contributions, after subtracting any contribution refunds back to donors; loans, after subtracting repayments; transfers from previous campaigns or other authorized committees; and any other miscellaneous receipts.

Formula for Summary table:

The numbers below represent the line numbers from the detailed summary pages of Form 3P.

Receipts = 17(a)(iii)-28(a) + 17(b)-28(b) + 17(c)-28(c) + 17(d) + 18 + 19(a)-27(a) + 19(b)-27(b) + 21 + 16

Disbursements = 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27(a) + 27(b) + 28(d) + 29 - 20(d)

Cash on hand = 10

Debts owed by the committee = 12

Formula for Raising table:

The numbers below represent the line numbers from the detailed summary pages of Form 3P.

Individual= 17(a)(iii)-28(a)

PAC = 17(c) - 28(c)

Party= 17(b) - 28(b)

Candidate = 17(d)+19(a)-27(a)

Transfers-in = 18

For individuals, PACs, and parties, the values represent the totals for contributions from each source minus any refunds back to donors. Candidate includes both contributions and loans from the candidate minus any loan repayments.

Formula for the breakdown of contributions from individuals by size:

(Note: The sum of these five categories will not equal the individual contribution total in the Raising table because joint fundraising proceeds are included here but are part of "transfers-in" rather than "individual contributions" above, and contribution refunds are subtracted above but are not considered here.)

Contributions by size:

$200 and under - [Unitemized Total (detailed summary page) plus specific contributions from individuals where the absolute value is between 0 and 200] plus [(for joint fundraising proceeds, etc.) specific transferred contributions from individuals where the absolute value is between 0 and 200 plus unitemized lump sum transfers]

$200.01-$499 - sum of specific contributions from individuals where the absolute value is between $200.01 and $499.99

$500-$999 - sum of specific contributions from individuals where the absolute value is between $500 and $999.99

$1,000-$1,999 - sum of specific contributions from individuals where the absolute value is between $1,000 and $1,999.99

$2,000 and over - sum of specific contributions from individuals where the absolute value is greater than or equal to $2,000

Formula for Spending table:

The numbers below (e.g. 17(a)(iii)) represent the line numbers from the detailed summary pages of Form 3P.

Operating expenditures = 23

Transfers to authorized committees = 24

Fundraising expenditures = 25

Exempt legal and accounting disbursements = 26

Loan repayments:

  • candidate = 27(a)
  • other = 27(b)

Other disbursements = 29

Offsets to expenditures = 20(d)

Contribution refunds = 28(d)

Downloadable presidential candidate map data

What’s included here?

This page summarizes data that is available to download for a group of select presidential candidates that have reported at least $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate. The data is divided up into four categories:

  • All presidential map candidates
  • All Democratic presidential map candidates
  • All Republican presidential map candidates
  • Individual presidential map candidates

All presidential map candidates

This data summarizes financial information disclosed by presidential candidate committees that have reported at least $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate. The data organized into the following available categories:

Overall candidate summary: full election cycle financial totals for each presidential candidate committee for each category of activity on the presidential candidate committee’s Form 3P summary page and detailed summary page.

Summary by report: financial totals from each report filed by each presidential candidate committee displaying totals for each category of activity on the presidential candidate committee’s Form 3P summary page and detailed summary page.

Contribution totals by size: total contributions received from individuals by each presidential candidate committee based on the amount of the contribution. Contributions must be listed separately on FEC disclosure reports once the total received from any one person exceeds $200 in an election cycle. This data groups these itemized contributions by size and also includes the total of individual contributions that have not exceeded the $200 threshold. The data only includes contributions from individuals and does not include receipts from other sources. Individual contribution limits are indexed for inflation in odd-numbered years. The most recent contribution limits are here. Adjustments have been made in this table where large contributions have been redesignated for a different election or reattributed to a different person.

Contributions are divided up in to the following ranges:

  • $200 and under: calculated by summing the unitemized individual contribution total (detailed summary page) plus specific contributions from individuals where the value is between 0 and 200 plus (for joint fundraising proceeds, etc.) specific transferred contributions from individuals where the value is between 0 and 200 plus unitemized lump sum transfers.
  • $200.01-$499: sum of specific contributions from individuals where the value is between $200.01 and $499.99
  • $500-$999: sum of specific contributions from individuals where the value is between $500 and $999.99
  • $1,000-$1,999: sum of specific contributions from individuals where the value is between $1,000 and $1,999.99
  • $2,000 and over: sum of specific contributions from individuals where the value is greater than or equal to $2,000

Note: The sum of these five categories will not equal the individual contribution total for each presidential candidate committee. Itemized contributions that were received as part of a joint fundraising transfer are included here but are part of "transfers in" rather than "individual contributions" in other data files. In addition, contribution refunds are not subtracted from these totals.

Contribution totals by state and three digit ZIP code: total contributions received from individuals by each presidential candidate committee based on the state in the contributor’s address and the first three digits of their ZIP code.

Contribution totals by state: total contributions received from individuals by each presidential candidate committee based on the state in the contributor’s address. Data is available for all contributions received as well as separate downloadable files for each state.

All Democratic presidential map candidates

This data summarizes financial information disclosed by Democratic presidential candidate committees that have reported at least $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate. The data organized into the following available categories:

Contributions by state: all contributions received from individuals itemized by Democratic presidential candidate committees for a selected election cycle. Data is available for all contributions received and is also available as separate downloadable files for each state based on the contributor’s address.

All expenditures: all expenditures itemized by Democratic presidential candidate committees for a selected election cycle.

All Republican presidential map candidates

This data summarizes financial information disclosed by Republican presidential candidate committees that have reported at least $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate. The data organized into the following available categories:

Contribution by state: all contributions received from individuals itemized by Republican presidential candidate committees during the selected election cycle. Data is available for all contributions received and is also available as separate downloadable files for each state based on the contributor’s address.

All expenditures: all expenditures itemized by Republican presidential candidate committees for a selected election cycle.

Individual presidential map candidates

This data summarizes financial information disclosed by 2020 presidential candidate committees that have reported at least $100,000 in contributions from individuals other than the candidate. The data organized into the following available categories:

Individual candidate contributions by state: all contributions received from individual itemized by a specific candidate committee during the selected election cycle. Data is available for all contributions received and is also available separate downloadable files for each state based on the contributor’s address.

Individual candidate expenditures: all expenditures itemized by a specific presidential candidate committee for a selected election cycle.