For Immediate Release |
Contact: |
Judith Ingram |
October 16, 2009 |
| Julia Queen |
| Christian Hilland |
ISSUE 2009-23
Weekly Digest
Week of October 12 – 16
The Commission did not hold Open or Executive Sessions this week. Sunshine Act Notices for Executive Sessions are here. Agendas and related documents for Open Meetings are here.
Audio recordings for selected meetings, hearings and presentations are here.
The Commission made public six closed cases this week. For more information, see the case documents in the Enforcement Query System.
MUR 6107 – Cynthia McKinney for Congress and Joan Christian, in her official capacity as treasurer. The Commission agreed to accept a conciliation agreement providing for the respondents to pay a civil penalty of $6,000.
MUR 6202 – Missouri Democratic State Committee and Rod Anderson, in his official capacity as treasurer. The Commission agreed to accept a conciliation agreement providing for the respondents to pay a civil penalty of $4,500.
MUR 6115 – Committee to Elect Steve O’Donnell and Edward Guy Klump in his official capacity as treasurer; William D. Nedzesky; Clairton Corporation and Professional Life Services, Inc. The Commission dismissed the matter.
MUR 6123 – Robinson for Congress and Scott Schaefer, in his official capacity as treasurer; and David F. Robinson. The Commission dismissed the matter.
MUR 6171 – Kalamazoo County Democratic Party Federal Committee and Carolyn Cardwell, in her official capacity as treasurer; Cooney for Congress Committee and Robert Snyder, in his official capacity as treasurer. The Commission found no reason to believe the respondents violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (the Act).
MUR 6172 – Allegan County Democratic Committee. The Commission dismissed the matter.
Unity08 v. FEC. On October 15, oral argument was held by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on an appeal by Unity08 of a decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to grant summary judgment to the Commission. Unity08 – a nonprofit corporation that sought to obtain ballot access for its bipartisan ticket for President and Vice President in the 2008 elections – requested a declaration that the Commission’s advisory opinion concluding that Unity08 would have to register as a political committee once it made more than $1,000 in expenditures was unconstitutional and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. The parties’ briefs can be found here.
October 15: Disclosure reports for quarterly filing candidate committees were due. Click here for information on electronic filing.
October 15: The 24-Hour Notice Period of Independent Expenditures began for California''''s 10 Special Runoff Election.
October 15: The 24-Hour Notice Period of Independent Expenditures began for New York''''s 23rd Special General Election.
On October 9, FEC Communications Specialist Christopher Berg met with two Chinese scholars from the World and China Institute. The meeting was part of a U.S. study tour sponsored by the International Republican Institute. The visitors were interested in the FEC''''s operations and its enforcement of campaign finance laws.
NEXT WEEK (OCTOBER 19 – 23, 2009)
October 20: The Commission is scheduled to hold an Executive Session.
October 28-29, San Francisco, CA – Regional Conference for Campaigns, Party Committees and Corporate/Labor/Trade PACs. The schedule is here.
October 20 – October Monthly Report
October 22 – California 10th District Pre-Runoff Report
October 22 – New York 23rd District Pre-General Report
The 2009 edition of the Campaign Guide for Political Party Committees is here. The October supplements to the FEC’s Campaign Guides are here.
The October issue of The Record is here. Sign up here to receive email notification when a new issue of the Record is posted.