Weekly Digest
Week of July 6 – 10
No Commission open meetings or executive sessions were scheduled this week.
The Commission made public three campaign finance enforcement matters that were resolved through its Administrative Fines (AF) program, as follows. For more information, see the case documents in the Enforcement Query System.
AF 2877 – Larry Smith Veteran for Congress and Larry Stanley Smith, in his official capacity as treasurer. The Commission voted to terminate the proceedings.
AF 2881 – Alston & Bird PAC and Dennis O. Garris, in his official capacity as treasurer. The Commission closed the file.
AF 2883 – Capital BluePAC, The Political Action Committee of Capital BlueCross and Robert Baker, in his official capacity as treasurer. The Commission made a final determination and assessed a civil penalty of $687.
Stop Reckless Economic Instability caused by Democrats, et al. v. FEC (Case 15-1455). On July 8, the Appellants and Intervenor-Appellant filed an Opening Brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Wagner, et al. v. FEC (Case 13-5162). On July 7, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued its Opinion and Per Curiam Judgment.
On July 8, the Commission hosted a FECFile Webinar for PACs and Party Committees.
On July 9, Communication Specialist Jonella Culmer spoke to the National Association of Chain Drug Stores as part of the organization''''s campaign finance training.
On July 8, the Commission released a beta version of its new API, or application programming interface, which has been developed with our partners at 18F and structures data in a way that can be accessed and read by any other program. Users will be able to build their own targeted search systems that draw directly from our data. Check out the API here: https://api.open.fec.gov/developers.
Court of Appeals Issues Opinion in Wagner, et al. v. FEC (issued July 7)
July 14: The Commission is scheduled to hold an executive session.
July 16: The Commission is scheduled to hold an executive session and an open meeting.
Meeting dates are subject to change. Please contact the Press Office the week of the scheduled meeting for confirmation.
August 25-26, Chicago, IL, Regional Conference for House & Senate Campaigns, Political Party Committees and Corporate/Trade/Labor PACs. Additional information is available on the Educational Outreach page of the Commission website.
July 15: July Quarterly Reports are due. For more information on quarterly reporting dates, refer to the 2015 Quarterly Reporting page of the Commission website.
July 20: July Monthly Reports are due. For more information on monthly reporting dates, refer to the 2015 Monthly Reporting page of the Commission website.
July 31: Mid-Year reports are due. For more information on semiannual reporting dates, refer to the Semiannual Reporting page of the Commission website.
The 2015 edition of the Combined Federal State Disclosure and Election Directory is available in the Public Records section of the Commission website. This publication identifies the federal and state agencies responsible for the disclosure of campaign finances, lobbying, personal finances, public financing, candidates on the ballot, election results, spending on state initiatives and other financial filings.
The 2015 edition of the Federal Election Campaign Finance Laws is available on the Commission website and in print. The compilation contains all federal campaign finance laws (including a conversion table showing the recent changes from Title 2 U.S.C. to Title 52 U.S.C.). To order a copy at no charge, contact the Commission''''s Information Division at (800) 424-9530 (press 6, when prompted) or email info@fec.gov.
The 2015 edition of Title 11 of the Code of Federal Regulations can be downloaded from the website. To order printed copies, call (800) 424-9530 (press 6) or send an email to info@fec.gov.
The 2014 Legislative Recommendations are available on the Commission’s website.
The 2014 edition of the Federal Election Commission Campaign Guide for Congressional Candidates and Committees is available on the Commission’s website.
The August 2013 edition of the Federal Election Commission Campaign Guide for Political Party Committees is available on the Commission’s website.
The Official 2012 Presidential General Election Results are available in the Library section of the website. This listing was compiled from the official election results published by state election offices.
The Commission has published the 2015 Record Index page. An index to previously published Record news articles is available on the Commission website. The Record news page is available in the Publications section of the Commission website. Sign up to receive email notification when new articles are posted.
The FEC Annual Reports from 1975-2006 are available on the website. Beginning in 2007, the Commission consolidated its Annual Report with its Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) to provide a single account of the agency’s activities for each fiscal year.
Instructional videos are available on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/FECTube?feature=watch. These videos are also available on the Commission’s E-Learning resources page at http://www.fec.gov/info/elearning.shtml.
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