Switching Filing Frequency?
PACs and most party committees have the option to file reports on a "monthly" or "quarterly" filing schedule, and may change their filing frequency one time per year. During a federal election year (such as 2016), committees active in several states may find it easier to file on a monthly schedule to avoid having to file pre-primary reports for each election in which they make a previously undisclosed contribution or expenditure. To switch your committee's filing frequency in 2016, attach a letter (paper filers only) or a Form 99 to your 2015 year-end report (due 1/31) indicating that you will now be filing reports on the other schedule. Note that filers who filed semi-annually last year do not need to submit a letter unless they want to switch to monthly filing; they are automatically on the "quarterly" schedule for 2016. If you have questions, please call 800-424-9530 and speak with an Communications Specialist (option 6) or your Campaign Finance Analyst (option 5).