Parties have raised over $120 Million this year
During the first four months of 2007, national Republican party committees raised $61.2 million, while their Democratic counterparts raised $59.4 million. When compared to the same period in 2005, these fundraising totals represent a 25 percent decline in receipts for Republicans and a 26 percent increase for Democrats. When compared to the same period in 2003—the last Presidential cycle—Republicans show a 21 percent decrease in federal receipts, while the Democrats show a 126 percent increase.
The largest growth in fundraising came from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), which raised 45 percent more than it did during the same period in 2005. Fundraising for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee grew by 38 percent, while receipts of the Democratic National Committee declined by 6 percent compared with the first four months of 2005. Each of the individual Republican committee—the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC)—experienced fundraising declines, ranging from 23 percent for the Congressional Committee to 26 percent for the National Committee and 33 percent for the Senatorial Committee. The charts below show the Democratic and Republican national committees’ fundraising totals over this period for the last three election cycles.
Contributions from individuals constituted the bulk of the receipts for both parties. Democrats reported $46.7 million from individuals and $7.1 million from PACs. Republicans reported $50.3 million from individuals and $8.8 million from PACs. At the end of April, Democrats had $27.5 million cash on hand and debts of $13.7 million, while Republicans had cash on hand of $19.3 million and debts of $7.3 million.
Additional information, including summary data for the financial activities of the RNC and DNC for the first four months of 2007 and for the same period in the previous two election cycles, is available in a press release dated May 22, 2007.