Federal Elections 2014 – Compiled election results now available
Federal Elections 2014: Election Results for the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, compiled by the Commission’s Public Records Office, is now available on the Commission’s website.
This publication includes state-by-state election results for all 2014 U.S. House and Senate races. In addition to the state-by-state results, Federal Elections 2014 also includes charts and color maps to summarize and illustrate the data. The online PDF version is accompanied by an Excel file containing all of the election data. This format enables users to sort the results according to their own preferences, and to import the data into existing data files.
Federal Elections 2014 is available at https://transition.fec.gov/pubrec/electionresults.shtml. Printed editions will be available soon. To order a printed copy, please contact the FEC’s Public Records Office at 800/424-9530 (option 2) or 202/694-1120.