FEC to email report notices
As part of its continuing migration toward electronic communications with its constituents, the Federal Election Commission will send reporting notices for the October 15 quarterly report both on paper and by email. Committees that have disclosed an email address on their Statement of Organization (FEC Form 1) will notice that their electronic reporting reminder arrives well before the paper copy comes in the mail. Of course, improved timeliness is only one of the advantages of electronic communications. Email will offer opportunities for new types of communications and will simplify the process of providing information tailored specifically to each committee’s needs, all while saving tax dollars.
All political committees are encouraged to provide a current email address on their Statement of Organization (FEC Form 1), and committees that file electronically must provide one. The Commission recognizes that disclosing a personal email address on a public document may raise privacy concerns. For that reason, committees may wish to create a separate email account intended solely for this purpose. As the agency begins to communicate with committees electronically, keeping that email address current will be essential. Keep watching for more information about this exciting new program and be sure to keep your committee’s email address current on your Form 1. (The form is available from the Commission or on its website).