FEC Releases Five Compliance Cases
WASHINGTON -- The Federal Election Commission has made public its final action on five matters previously under review (MURs). This release contains only summary information. Closed files should be thoroughly read for details, including the FEC’s legal analysis of the case. (Please see footnote at the end of this release.) Closed MUR files are available in the Public Records Office.
1.. MUR 4687
RESPONDENTS: (a) Voinovich For Senate Committee, Vincent M. Panichi,
treasurer (OH)
(b) Keep Ohio Working, Roger Geiger, treasurer (OH)
(c) Wilson Grand Communications, Inc. (VA)
COMPLAINANTS: Robert F. Bauer, General Counsel, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DC)
SUBJECT: Corporate contributions/excessive contributions
DISPOSITION: (a-c) No reason to believe*
2. MUR 4832
RESPONDENTS: Kansas City Southern Industries, Inc. Employees Political Action Committee, Linas K. Cesonis, treasurer (MO)
SUBJECT: Failure to file disclosure reports timely
DISPOSITION: Conciliation Agreement: $ 850 civil penalty*
3. MUR 4834
RESPONDENT: Howard Glicken (FL)
COMPLAINANTS: Referral by Daniel Schneider, Trial Attorney, Campaign Financing Task Force, U.S. Department of Justice (DC)
SUBJECT: Foreign national contribution/contribution in the name of another
DISPOSITION: Conciliation Agreement: $ 40,000 civil penalty*
(Knowing and willful)
4. MUR 4844
RESPONDENTS: Crowell & Moring PAC, Karen Hastie Williams, treasurer (DC)
SUBJECT: Failure to file disclosure report timely
DISPOSITION: Conciliation Agreement: $ 1,300 civil penalty*
5. MUR 4873
RESPONDENTS: Teamsters Local 745 Drive, Tom Sever, treasurer (TX)
SUBJECT: Failure to file disclosure report timely
DISPOSITION: Reason to believe, but took no further action*
Sent admonishment letter.
*There are four administrative stages to the FEC enforcement process:
1. Receipt of proper complaint 3. "Probable cause" stage
2. "Reason to believe" stage 4. Conciliation stage
It requires the votes of at least four of the six Commissioners to take any action. The FEC can close a case at any point after reviewing a complaint. If a violation is found and conciliation cannot be reached, then the FEC can institute a civil court action against a respondent.
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