FEC launches treasurers’ web page with RSS
The Commission invites you to visit its new “Resources for Committee Treasurers” web page and to subscribe to its new “Tips for Treasurers” RSS syndication service.
Designed to help treasurers get the information they need to comply with the federal campaign finance laws, the new web page provides links to an array of helpful publications, online presentations and other resources. The web page also offers timely tips and reminders to help treasurers meet their obligations under the law. As an added feature, visitors can subscribe to receive automatic notification of updates to this page via RSS syndication service. This service uses a technology called XML to deliver the very latest information directly to your desktop or web browser. Please visit our RSS information page to learn more.
If you have any questions, would like to provide feedback or have compliance tips of your own to offer, please send us an e-mail at info@fec.gov.