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The FEC is testing an email distribution system that will enable the agency to replace paper correspondence with electronic communications. Email communications will not only be more timely and convenient for recipients, they also will save tax dollars.
All political committees should to provide a current email address on their Statement of Organization (FEC Form 1), and committees that file electronically must provide one. 11 CFR 102.2(a)(1)(vii). The contact information on the Statement of Organization is used for most official correspondence from the Commission. As the agency begins communicating with committees electronically, keeping the committee’s email address current is even more important. To update your committee’s email address or other contact information, the treasurer must file an amended Form 1. Electronic filers must submit the amendment electronically. Paper filers may download the form from the FEC website.
Watch for more information about this exciting new program in the months ahead, and be sure to keep your committee’s Statement of Organization up-to-date.