FEC Form 3L due in July (2010)
Certain leadership PACs, candidate committees and political party committees may be required to file FEC Form 3L in July. Under the lobbyist bundling disclosure rules, “reporting committees” (authorized committees, Leadership PACs and political party committees) must disclose certain information about lobbyists/registrants and lobbyist/ registrant PACs that forward, or are credited with raising, two or more bundled contributions aggregating in excess of $16,000 during a specific covered period. See 11 CFR 104.22(a)(6).
Committees file their FEC Form 3L, as necessary, on the same schedule as they file FEC Form 3, 3X or 3P. Committees that file Form 3X and 3P on a monthly basis may elect to file Form 3L quarterly, instead of monthly. 11 CFR 104.22(a)(5). Candidate committees, Leadership PACs and party committees that file Form 3L quarterly are required to file by the July 15, 2010, quarterly filing deadline. A committee must file Form 3L if a lobbyist/registrant or lobbyist/registrant PAC forwards to that committee or is credited by that committee with raising two or more bundled contributions that total more than $16,000 during April 1 through June 30, 2010.
Leadership PACs, parties and presidential committees that file Form 3L monthly are required to disclose lobbyist bundling activity by July 20, 2010, if they receive two or more bundled contributions that aggregate more than $16,000 for the month of June. In addition to the above requirements, all reporting committees must also file Form 3L in July if they received two or more bundled contributions that aggregate more than $16,000 during the six month semi-annual covered period.
Reporting committees that are monthly filers of FEC Form 3, 3X or 3P that wish to change their FEC Form 3L filing frequency from monthly to quarterly or from quarterly to monthly must first notify the Commission in writing and will receive a letter indicating the Commission’s acknowledgment of the request. Electronic filers must file this request electronically. A reporting committee may change its Form 3L filing frequency only once in a calendar year. 11 CFR 104.22(a) (5)(iv). The committee will receive an acknowledgment letter from the Commission. All subsequent Form 3L reports should be filed on the new schedule.
For more information about these filing requirements, see the March 2009 issue of the Record.