WASHINGTON – At its open meeting yesterday, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) approved an audit recommendation and discussed an audit report and two draft notices on an agency procedure regarding the disclosure of evidence to respondents in enforcement matters.
Audit Division Recommendation Memorandum on Freedom’s Defense Fund (FDF). The Commission approved the Audit Division’s recommendation memorandum on FDF, covering campaign finance activity between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2008. The Audit Division’s memorandum recommends the Commission approve the finding presented in the Draft Final Audit Report (DFAR) related to Disclosure of Independent Expenditures. The Audit Division will prepare the Proposed Final Audit Report within 30 days.
Proposed Final Audit Report on the Service Employees International Union Committee on Political Education (SEIU COPE). The Commission considered the proposed final audit report on the Service Employees International Union Committee on Political Education (SEIU COPE), covering campaign finance activity between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2008. The Commission did not approve the proposed final audit report by the necessary four votes and returned it to the Audit Division for further revisions.
Agency Procedure for Disclosure of Documents and Information in the Enforcement Process. The Commission discussed two draft notices outlining an agency procedure for disclosure of documents and information to respondents in the enforcement process. The discussion of the draft procedures was held over until the next open meeting, scheduled for May 26, to provide an opportunity for public comment on the drafts. Comments will be due by 5 p.m. on May 23 and should be sent via email to documentdisclosure@fec.gov. Click here for the two drafts (Agenda Document No. 11-23 and Agenda Document No. 11-23-A).