FEC Adds Open Agenda Documents to Web Site
For Immediate Release: Contact: Sharon Snyder February 2, 2000 Ron Harris Ian Stirton Kelly Huff
WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission has announced a new addition to its Web site. This addition comes on the heels of the redesign of the FEC’s Web site last December, and is in response to Congressional requests, members of the FEC’s regulated community, and the media.
On Monday, February 1, the FEC added agenda documents for its open public meetings to its site at www.fec.gov. In addition to providing agenda documents for open meetings, the Commission also has placed the requests for advisory opinions, as well as all related correspondence on the site. With this announcement, all documents for the Commission’s January 27 and February 3 meetings have been made available.
The Commission regularly holds its public meetings on Thursday mornings beginning at 10 a.m. at its building at 999 E Street, N.W., Washington D.C. Sunshine Notices of these meetings are published each week in the Federal Register. These meetings include Commissioner discussions of staff drafts responding to Advisory Opinion requests, staff proposals for final audit reports, regulatory proposals, and other policy matters.
Commission meeting documents are generally available at 2 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the Thursday meeting. If a meeting is changed to Wednesday, documents will be made available at 2 p.m. on the preceding Monday. This release time does not pertain to advisory opinion drafts and regulations projects, which are immediately available.
Agenda documents may be retrieved by clicking on ‘Campaign Finance Law Resources’ on the FEC Home Page. At the bottom of the next page, click on ‘Commission Meetings’. Documents will be found under the date of the meeting at which they were discussed, in the order they were slated for the meeting.
The FEC’s Web site was first launched in February 1996. Images of reports filed by Presidential campaigns, House campaigns, PACs and political party committees were added January 1998, and expanded to include the previous 1995-96 cycle reports later that year. The full texts of all Advisory Opinions issued since 1977 were added in August of 1999.