E&J compilation now available on FEC website
The complete compilation of the Explanations and Justifications for Federal Election Commission Regulations (E&Js) is now available on the agency’s web site. Hyperlinked indexes make the online E&J much easier to navigate than its voluminous paper predecessor. The electronic version also has the advantage of being continuously updated, making it a more useful research tool.
The compilation includes all E&Js written to accompany rules promulgated between 1975 and the present. E&Js are Federal Register notices and Congressional documents that provide supplemental information concerning Commission regulations. Indexes enable researchers to locate E&Js by publication date and by regulatory citation, and a conversion table tracks citation changes resulting from statutory amendments.
Please click on the “Law & Regulations” link on the FEC’s home page or visit https://www.fec.gov/legal-resources/regulations/explanations-and-justifications/ to use this convenient resource.