December 13, 2001 open meeting
The Commission considers new regulations, advisory opinions and other public matters at open meetings, which are typically held on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. at FEC headquarters, 1050 First Street NE, Washington, DC.
Members of the public can attend any open meeting or hearing in person. Open meetings are also streamed live online. To attend in person, please bring a photo ID and be prepared to go through a security check. After security, attendees are escorted to the Commission's hearing room. Please check the meeting page for updates to the agenda, including cancellations.
- CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTESMinutes for November 29, 2001 Agenda Document No. 01-63 Circulated December 5, 2001
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- FUTURE MEETING DATESAgenda Document No. 01-67 Circulated December 11, 2001 (Submitted Late)
- Revised Draft Advisory Opinion 2001-16Democratic National Committee by counsel, Joseph E. Sandler.Agenda Document No. 01-66 Circulated December 10, 2001(N. Bradley Litchfield of the General Counsel's Office)
- Draft Advisory Opinion 2001-17DNC Services Corporation/Democratic National Committee by counsel, Neil ReiffAgenda Document No. 01-65 Circulated December 7, 2001(Jonathan Levin of the General Counsel's Office)
- VOTING SYSTEM STANDARDS - RELEASE FOR PUBLIC COMMENTAgenda Document No. O1-62 Circulated December 4, 2001Agenda Document No. 01-62-A Circulated December 7, 2001(Penelope Bonsall of the Office of Election Administration)
Minutes for this meeting
Approved minutes (Approved on January 17, 2002)