Advisory Opinions Now on FEC Web Site
WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission this week included its historical databank of hundreds of advisory opinions on the FEC Website. Advisory opinions are official Commission responses to questions relating to the application of the Federal Election Campaign Act to a specific, factual situation.
For those with Internet access seeking FEC advisory opinions from 1977 to the present, going to will provide the new link "Search and Retrieve Commission Advisory Opinions." The process allows a search for specific text that might be included within an advisory opinion or selection based on year and advisory opinion number.
Advisory opinions are numbered consecutively within specific years, such as 1999-1, 1999-2, etc. Only those opinions that have been finalized by the Commission are included on the Website. Draft advisory opinions awaiting Commission action are not included on the Website, but may be obtained via e-mail or paper copy by contacting the FEC’s Public Records Office or Press Office.
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