Fundraising for the campaign
This page outlines the rules that apply to campaign fundraising.
Fundraising notices
Certain statements by the campaign must be present on solicitations.
Authorization notice: When a campaign solicits contributions through public communications or on a campaign website, it must include a clear and conspicuous notice on the solicitation stating that it was authorized and paid for by the campaign. For example: "Paid for by the Sam Jones for Congress Committee." For details, visit Advertising.
"Best efforts rules:" When making solicitations, committees and their treasurers must make "best efforts" to obtain, maintain and report the name, address, occupation and employer of each contributor who gives more than $200 in an election cycle. For details, visit Recording receipts.
IRS Notice requirements: Section 6113 of the Internal Revenue Code requires political committees whose gross annual receipts normally exceed $100,000 to include a special notice on their solicitations to inform solicitees that contributions are not tax deductible.
Fundraising on the internet
Campaign committees may solicit contributions over the internet as long as the solicitation includes the proper disclaimers. They may satisfy this by online confirmation that the contribution complies with the federal limits and prohibitions and is not from a prohibited source.
Committee treasurers are also responsible for examining all contributions received for evidence of illegality and compliance with contribution limits.