AO 2006-30
Contributions earmarked for potential candidates.
Final opinion November 09, 2006
Date | Name | Document type |
05/23/2007 | Dissenting Opinion (Vice Chairman Mason) | Commissioner Statements |
11/09/2006 | AO 2006-30 | Final Opinion |
11/09/2006 | Vote | Votes |
11/08/2006 | Comment on OGC Draft by ActBlue | Comments and Ex parte Communications |
11/08/2006 | Comment on OGC Draft by Center for Competitive Politics | Comments and Ex parte Communications |
11/03/2006 | Extension of Time | AO Request, Supplemental Material, and Extensions of Time |
11/03/2006 | Revised Draft AO (OGC), Agenda Document 06-74 | Draft Documents |
11/01/2006 | Comment on OGC Draft by ActBlue | Comments and Ex parte Communications |
11/01/2006 | Comment on OGC Draft by Center for Competitive Politics | Comments and Ex parte Communications |
10/26/2006 | Draft AO (OGC), Agenda Document 06-71 | Draft Documents |
08/28/2006 | Request by ActBlue | AO Request, Supplemental Material, and Extensions of Time |
Role | Name | Type |
Requestor | ActBlue | Nonconnected political committee |
Counsel/Representative | Sandler, Reiff & Young, P.C. | Law Firm |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Neil P. Reiff Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Jonathan Zucker Esq. | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Benjamin Rahn | Individual |
Counsel/Representative | Mr. Matt DeBergalis | Individual |
Commenter | Sandler, Reiff & Young, P.C. | Law Firm |
Commenter | Mr. Neil P. Reiff Esq. | Individual |
Commenter | ActBlue | Nonconnected political committee |
Commenter | Center for Competitive Politics | Research/Public Interest/Educational Institution |
Commenter | Mr. Paul M. Sherman | Individual |
Commenter | Mr. Benjamin Rahn | Individual |
Commenter | Mr. Matt DeBergalis | Individual |