Week of June 18 - June 22, 2012
Weekly Digest Week of June 18 – 22
The Executive Session previously scheduled for June 19 was cancelled.
On June 21, the Commission held an Open Meeting. Click here for agendas and related documents for open meetings. Click here for audio recordings for selected meetings, hearings and presentations.
Advisory Opinions Issued AO 2012-21 (Primerica, Inc.). On June 21, the Commission concluded that Primerica, Inc., a for-profit, publicly traded distributor of life insurance and financial products, and Citigroup, Inc., the former parent company of Primerica, Inc., are disaffiliated. Accordingly, Primerica, Inc. may establish its own separate segregated fund (SSF) that is not affiliated with Citigroup''''s SSFs. During the discussion, the Commission heard from counsel on behalf of Primerica, Inc.
Advisory Opinions and Requests are available through the Advisory Opinions search page in the Law and Regulations section of the Commission website.
MUR 6500 MUR 6493
MUR 6503 AUDITS Audit Division Recommendation Memorandum on the Friends of Todd Young. On June 21, the Commission approved the Audit Division Recommendation Memorandum on the Friends of Todd Young, covering campaign finance activity between February 12, 2009 and December 31, 2010, subject to an amendment put forward at the meeting. The Audit Division Recommendation Memorandum proposed that the Commission approve findings presented in the Draft Final Audit Report related to the receipt of apparent prohibited contributions, receipt of contributions in excess of the limit and failure to file 48-hour contribution notices. The Audit Division will prepare the Proposed Final Audit Report within 30 days. LITIGATION
Combat Veterans for Congress PAC v. FEC (No. 11-cv-02168 (CKK)). On June 20, the plaintiffs filed an Amended Petition for Review of Commission Determination and Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
CREW v. FEC (No. 12-5004). On June 18, Amici Curiae Public Citizen, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Electronic Privacy Information Center, OMB Watch, OpentheGovernment.org, and Project on Government Oversight filed an amicus curiae brief in Support of the Plaintiff-Appellant in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.
Van Hollen v. FEC (No. 12-5117). On June 20, Appellant Center for Individual Freedom filed an Opening Brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. On June 21, Appellant Hispanic Leadership Fund filed a Corrected Opening Brief. Also on June 21, United States Senator Mitch McConnell filed a Corrected Brief as Amicus Curiae Supporting Appellants for Reversal. PRESS RELEASES CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS June 20: June Monthly Reports were due. For more information on monthly reporting dates, refer to the 2012 Monthly Reporting page of the Commission website. UPCOMING COMMISSION MEETINGS June 27: The Commission is scheduled to hold an open audit hearing on the Washington State Republican Party. UPCOMING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS July 11, Washington, DC. Roundtable Workshops on Reporting for PACs and Party Committees. Registration information and schedule are on the Educational Outreach page of the Commission website.
July 11, Washington, DC. Roundtable Workshops on FECFile & E-Filing for Candidates Committees. Registration information and schedule are on the Educational Outreach page of the Commission website.
July 11, Washington, DC. Roundtable Workshops on Reporting for Candidate Committees. Registration information and schedule are on the Educational Outreach page of the Commission website.
July 11, Washington, DC. Roundtable Workshops on FECFile & E-Filing for PACs and Party Committees. Registration information and schedule are on the Educational Outreach page of the Commission website. UPCOMING REPORTING DUE DATES July 15: July Quarterly Reports are due. For information on quarterly reporting dates, refer to the 2012 Quarterly Reporting page of the Commission website.
July 20: July Monthly Reports are due. For more information on monthly reporting dates, refer to the 2012 Monthly Reporting page of the Commission website. OTHER RESOURCES The 2012 edition of the Combined Federal State Disclosure and Election Directory is available in the Public Records section of the Commission website. This publication identifies the federal and state agencies responsible for the disclosure of campaign finances, lobbying, personal finances, public financing, candidates on the ballot, election results, spending on state initiatives and other financial filings.
The Record news page is available in the Publications section of the Commission website. Sign up to receive email notification when new articles are posted.
Printed copies of the 2012 edition of Title 11 of the Code of Federal Regulations are now available. To order, call (800)424-9530 (press 6) or send an email to info@fec.gov. Follow Us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/fec