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  • Weekly Digests

Week of December 28 - January 1, 2009

January 1, 2009


For Immediate Release
December 31, 2009

Contact:  Judith Ingram
Mary Brandenberger
Christian Hilland
Julia Queen

ISSUE 2009-34

Weekly Digest

Week of December 28 – January 1


The Commission did not hold Open or Executive Sessions this week. Sunshine Act Notices for Executive Sessions are here. Agendas and related documents for Open Meetings are here.

Audio recordings for selected meetings, hearings and presentations are here.


Keating v. FEC (consolidated with v. FEC). On December 29, appellants filed their reply brief in this en banc case before the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Plaintiffs — including David Keating and, in the consolidated case, — have challenged the constitutionality of contribution limits, reporting requirements, and political committee registration requirements as applied to’s proposed activities. Oral argument is scheduled for January 27, 2010.


On December 30, the Commission released two new data files designed to give the public easier access to federal campaign finance information and the Commission’s regulatory actions. These additions include a complete listing of all closed Administrative Fines matters and a new summary file for the current two-year election period for active congressional candidates. In addition, Administrative Fines documents are now being made available in the Commission’s searchable Enforcement Query System.


FEC Takes Final Action on Six Cases (issued December 29)

Congressional Candidates Raised $1.42 Billion in 2007-2008 (issued December 29)

FEC Releases New Data Files For Administrative Fine Cases And Congressional Candidates (issued December 30)


January 20 – FEC Campaign Finance Law Roundtable Workshop. The schedule is here.

February 9-10, New Orleans, LA – Regional Conference for Campaigns, Party Committees and Corporate/Labor/Trade PACs. The schedule is here.


January 7: Massachusetts Special Senate Pre-General Reports due. For information on reporting dates for this election, click here.

January 21: Florida 19th District Pre-Primary Reports due. For information on reporting dates for this election, click here.


The December issue of The Record is here. Sign up here to receive email notification when a new issue of the Record is posted. 

The December supplements to the FEC’s Campaign guides are here.