Week of August 6 - August 10, 2012
Weekly Digest Week of August 6 – 10
No Commission Executive Sessions or Open Meetings were scheduled this week.
Supplement Received AOR 2012-26 (Cooper for Congress, ArmourMedia, Inc., and m-Qube, Inc.). On August 6, 2012, the Commission made public a supplement to the request. The requestors ask whether their proposal to use mobile phone text messaging to process and raise contributions is permissible under the Act and Commission regulations.
Requests Received AOR 2012-30 (Revolution Messaging, LLC). On August 8, the Commission made public Advisory Opinion Request 2012-30 (Revolution Messaging, LLC). The requestor asks whether its proposal to use mobile phone text messaging to raise funds for political committees is permissible under the Act and Commission regulations. Revolution Messaging requests expedited consideration of its Advisory Opinion pursuant to the Commission''''s Advisory Opinion Procedure. The Commission will accept written comments on the request during the 10-day period following publication of the request (no later than August 20, 2012) and shall issue a response no later than 60 days after the receipt of the complete request, specifically by October 5, 2012. Advisory Opinions and Requests are available through the Advisory Opinions search page in the Law and Regulations section of the Commission website.
MUR 6344
MUR 6477
The Commission made public one campaign finance enforcement matter that was resolved through its Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) program.
ADR 619 – The Common Sense Movement. The respondent agreed to (1) implement compliance measures and (2) pay a civil penalty of $1,500.
For more information, see the case documents in the Enforcement Query System.
Hispanic Leadership Fund, Inc. v. FEC (No. 12-cv-00339 (JAJ, TJS)). On July 30, the Hispanic Leadership Fund, Inc. filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa Central Division. The complaint challenges the Commission’s interpretation of what constitutes a “clearly identified candidate” in the context of the Federal Election Campaign Act’s disclosure requirements for electioneering communications. The same day the plaintiffs also filed a motion for preliminary and permanent injunction and a brief in support of the motion for preliminary and permanent injunction. On August 6, the Commission filed a motion to transfer venue and the plaintiff filed a response and opposition to the Commission’s motion to transfer venue. On August 7, the Commission filed its resistance to plaintiff''''s motion for preliminary injunction and the plaintiff filed their response to the Commission’s resistance to plaintiff’s motion for preliminary injunction. The same day the Commission filed its reply in support of the motion to transfer. On August 8, the court heard oral arguments and on August 9 the plaintiff filed a post hearing reply. On August 9, the court issued an order declining to transfer the case and instead dismissed without prejudice due to improper venue.
The Real Truth About Abortion f/k/a Real Truth About Obama v. Federal Election Commission (Civ. No. 11-1760). On August 6, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued a Mandate pursuant to Rule 41(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
Van Hollen v. FEC (No. 12-5117). On August 3, the Defendants-Appellants Hispanic Leadership Fund and Center for Individual Freedom filed reply briefs in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
Federal Election Commission Certifies Federal Matching Funds for Johnson (issued August 8)
August 28, Washington, DC. Roundtable Workshop on Pre-Election Communications. Additional information is available on the Educational Outreach page of the Commission website.
August 20: August Monthly Reports are due. For more information on monthly reporting dates, refer to the 2012 Monthly Reporting page of the Commission website.
The 2012 edition of the Combined Federal State Disclosure and Election Directory is available in the Public Records section of the Commission website. This publication identifies the federal and state agencies responsible for the disclosure of campaign finances, lobbying, personal finances, public financing, candidates on the ballot, election results, spending on state initiatives and other financial filings.
The Record news page is available in the Publications section of the Commission website. Sign up to receive email notification when new articles are posted.
Printed copies of the 2012 edition of Title 11 of the Code of Federal Regulations are now available. To order, call (800)424-9530 (press 6) or send an email to info@fec.gov. Follow Us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/fec