Updated electronic format and FECFile software
The Commission has updated its electronic filing format to Version 6.3. On March 10, 2009, FECFile Version, supported by the new format, became available for download from the FEC web site. The new format reflects recent updates to FEC Form 1 that require Lobbyist/ Registrant PACs and Leadership PACs to identify themselves as such on their Statements of Organization filed with the FEC (see related article, page 1). More information on these requirements is available on the FEC web site at http://transition.fec.gov/info/guidance/hlogabundling.shtml.
Committees using commercial software should contact their vendors for more information about the latest software release.
Please note that, for electronic filers, any report filed after March 10, 2009, must be filed in Format Version 6.3 (the new version). Reports filed in previous formats will not be accepted. Thus, for example, all electronic filers must file their 2009 March Monthly and April Quarterly reports in Format Version 6.3.
The Commission has additionally released a new paper version of FEC Form 1 to allow paper filers to comply with the new requirements. The paper version of the form is available on the FEC web site at https://www.fec.gov/documents/114/fecfrm1.pdf. The paper version of FEC Form 1 may only be used by committees not required to file electronically with the FEC.