Switching Filing Frequency?
Party committees that do not conduct reportable federal election activity and all PACs have the option to choose to file reports on a "monthly" or "quarterly" filing schedule. Some committees prefer to file reports on a monthly basis during a federal election year (such as 2012), and on a less-frequent basis during a nonfederal election year (such as 2011). Unauthorized committees are permitted to switch filing frequencies one time per year. To switch your committee's filing frequency in 2012, attach a letter (paper filers only) or a Form 99 to your year-end report (due January 31) indicating that you will now be filing reports on the other schedule. If you were a quarterly filer in 2011 and wish to remain on that schedule, you do not need to submit a request, but be aware that in election years, quarterly filers file a minimum of five reports (three quarterly reports, a Post-General, and a Year-End report) and may have to file additional pre-primary and pre-general election reports, depending on their activity.