Register now for the FEC’s public forum on website improvement in one week (2014)
The FEC’s Public Forum on Website Improvement is scheduled for September 17, 2014 at the FEC’s headquarters in Washington, DC. The Forum will provide an opportunity for individuals who use the FEC website to share their experiences and make recommendations for ways to improve the website’s presentation and design. An open discussion with Commissioners and senior staff will be held from 10:00-12:00 PM, to be followed by working group breakout sessions from 1:00-3:00 PM.
In partnership with 18F, the FEC has launched a website redesign effort to improve the public’s access to campaign finance data, guidance and regulations, and filing information. The forum’s overall goal is to learn how the website’s many visitors – including individual citizens, candidates, journalists, researchers, advocates, campaign finance practitioners, and others – currently use the FEC website, how they may use the website in the future and how the FEC can improve its website to meet those needs. We would also like to hear suggestions from the public about the variations of data the FEC could make available to the public and how that information could best be presented or customized to satisfy user preferences.
Registration information
Space is limited; if you would like to participate in person, please send an email to Alternatively, you may listen to the open discussion through a live audio feed available on, which requires no pre-registration.