Pending advisory opinion requests as of June 30, 2017
Advisory opinion requests (AORs) pending before the Commission as of the end of the month are listed below. Procedures for commenting on pending AORs are described here.
AOR 2017-05
Application of disclaimer requirements to communications by nonconnected political committees that maintain accounts on Twitter (Great America PAC and Committee to Defend the President; received June 12, 2017).
AOR 2017-06
Vendor collecting and forwarding contributions to political committees (Stein and Gottlieb; received June 22, 2017).
AOR 2017-07
Use of campaign funds for residential security system installation and upgrades (U.S. House of Representatives Sergeant at Arms; received June 21, 2017).
Advisory opinion requests no longer pending:
AOR 2017-04
Transfer of funds from state campaign committee to federal campaign committee. (Lancman for Congress; received May 17, 2017. This AOR was withdrawn by the requester on June 16, 2017. )