Pending advisory opinion requests as of August 31, 2017
Advisory opinion requests (AORs) pending before the Commission as of the end of the month are listed below. Procedures for commenting on pending AORs are described here.
AOR 2017-05
Application of disclaimer requirements to communications by nonconnected political committees that
maintain accounts on Twitter (Great America PAC and Committee to Defend the President; received June 5, 2017).
AOR 2017-06
Vendor collecting and forwarding contributions to political committees (Stein and Gottlieb; received
June 22, 2017).
AOR 2017-09
Status as state committee of national party (Libertarian Association of Massachusetts; received July
28, 2017).
AOR 2017-10
Independent expenditure-only political committee communications with candidates (Citizens Against
Plutocracy; received August 2, 2017).