PACronyms, other FEC Publications available (July 2010)
The Commission annually publishes an alphabetical listing of acronyms, abbreviations and common names of political action committees (PACs).
For each PAC listed, the index provides the full name of the PAC, its city, state, FEC identification number and, if not identifiable from the full name, its connected, sponsoring or affiliated organization.
This index is helpful in identifying PACs that are not readily identified in their reports and statements on file with the FEC.
To order a free copy of PACronyms, call the FEC’s Disclosure Division at 800/424- 9530 or 202/694-1120. PACronyms is also available on diskette for $1 and can be accessed free on the FEC website at Other PAC indexes, described below, may be ordered from the Disclosure Division. Prepayment is required.
- An alphabetical list of all
registered PACs showing each
PAC’s identification number,
address, treasurer and connected
organization ($13.25).
- A list of registered PACs
arranged by state providing
the same information as above
- An alphabetical list of
organizations sponsoring PACs
showing the name of the PAC
and its identification number
The Disclosure Division can also conduct database research to locate federal political committees when only part of the committee name is known. Call the telephone numbers above for assistance or visit the Public Records Office in Washington.