March 14, 2024 open meeting
The Commission considers new regulations, advisory opinions and other public matters at open meetings, which are typically held on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. at FEC headquarters, 1050 First Street NE, Washington, DC.
Members of the public can attend any open meeting or hearing in person. Open meetings are also streamed live online. To attend in person, please bring a photo ID and be prepared to go through a security check. After security, attendees are escorted to the Commission's hearing room. Please check the meeting page for updates to the agenda, including cancellations.
Watch the meeting live
The webcast will include closed captions. The recorded webcast with closed captions and audio will be available on this page after the meeting ends.
Thursday, March 14, 2024 | 10:00 AM
Draft Advisory Opinion 2024-01
Texas Majority PAC by Jonathan S. Berkon, Esq., Courtney T. Weisman, Esq., and Sarah N. Mahmood, Esq.
Agenda Document No. 24-08-A (Draft A)
Agenda Document No. 24-08-B (Draft B)
Presenters: Lindsay Bird/Robert Knop of the Office of General Counsel
(Held over from the meeting of February 29, 2024)
REG 2024-03 (Commission ZIP Codes) - Draft Federal Register Notice
Memorandum to the Commission dated March 7, 2024
Agenda Document No. 24-09-A (Draft A)
Presenters: Joanna Waldstreicher / Robert Knop of the Office of General Counsel
LRF 1455 - Statement of Policy Regarding Commission Action in Matters at the Initial Stage in the Enforcement Process
Memorandum from Commissioner Shana M. Broussard and Commissioner Allen J. Dickerson dated March 7, 2024
Management and Administrative Matters