Lobbyist Bundling Rules Require New Filings for Many Committees
New disclosure regulations for contributions bundled by lobbyists/registrants and lobbyist/registrant PACs take effect later this spring. Lobbyist/registrant PACs and leadership PACs will be among the first committees affected. Beginning March 19, new committees in those categories must identify themselves as such on their Statements of Organization (FEC Form 1). Existing lobbyist/registrant PACs and leadership PACs will have until March 29 to identify themselves by amending their Statements of Organization. In May, leadership PACs and party committees that file monthly will file the first lobbyist bundling disclosure reports. Authorized committees of candidates and leadership PACs and party committees that file quarterly (semiannually in the nonelection year) will file their first reports in July. The Commission plans to release its revised FEC Form 1 in early March and the new FEC Form 3L in time for the May filings. For additional information, visit our lobbyist bundling rulemaking page.