I Demand a Recount!
In Advisory Opinions 2009-04 and 2006-24, the Commission concluded that funds raised by party committees and federal candidates/officeholders for recount expenses are subject to the limits, prohibitions and reporting requirements of the federal campaign finance law, but are not contributions or expenditures and are not subject to the biennial limit. Committees must disclose funds received for a recount as "Other Receipts" and funds spent as "Other Disbursements." Click on the links to see sample itemization for campaigns and for party committees. More recently, the Commission has addressed the use of funds raised for recount purposes in Advisory Opinion 2010-14 (permitting the use of such funds before an election for certain recount-related purposes) and Advisory Opinion 2010-18 (permitting the redesignation of excess recount funds to a state party committee's federal account).