How to Move to the Head of the Line
The Commission's September 6 workshop is already sold out! Are you stuck on the waiting list again? If you don't want to miss future FEC training sessions, sign up for the Commission's outreach e-mail list and receive automatic notification of upcoming workshops and conferences. While we do list our upcoming training sessions in the Record and online, the folks on our e-mail list are usually the first to know about them, and the first to register. So, send your contact information (name, organization, address, phone, fax and e-mail address) to and we'll add you to our list. While you're at it, why not check your committee's Statement of Organization (FEC Form 1) to make sure a current e-mail address appears there too? The Commission will use that address to provide even more information to you electronically. So, move to the head of the line-- sign-up for e-mail notifications from the FEC!