FECA moves from Title 2 to Title 52 of the US Code
Effective September 1, 2014, the Federal Election Campaign Act (currently 2 U.S.C. §431
et seq) will be consolidated with other laws governing voting and elections in the new title 52 of the United States Code. Initiated by the Office of Law Revision Counsel of the United States House of Representatives (OLRC), the reorganization will renumber code sections, but will not otherwise alter the existing laws.
The FEC will compile and distribute a new version of the Federal Election Campaign Laws to reflect the changes. We’ll announce its availability in the Record, through our Tips for Treasurers and on the Federal Campaign Finance Laws page of our website. In the interim, the OLRC has posted on its website a section-by-section Editorial Reclassification Table as well as title 52 itself.
Should you have questions, please call the FEC’s Information Division at 800-424-9530 (option 6).