FEC to host May 21 seminar/webinar for trade associations, membership and labor organizations and their PACs (2014)
The Commission will hold a seminar for trade associations, membership and labor organizations
and their political action committees (PACs) at its Washington, DC, headquarters on Wednesday, May 21, 2014. The seminar will also be offered as a webinar for those who cannot attend in person. Commissioners and staff will conduct a variety of technical
workshops on the federal campaign finance laws affecting these organizations and their PACs. Workshops are designed for those seeking an introduction to the basic provisions of the law as well as for those more experienced in campaign finance law.
To view the agenda or to register for the seminar, please visit the seminar website at http://www.fec.gov/info/conferences/2014/tradememberlaborseminar.shtml
Webinar information. Seminar workshops will be simulcast for online attendees, who will see workshop slides, hear the presentations and be able to ask questions via live chat. Additional instructions and technical information will be provided to those who register for the webinar.
In-person attendees. The seminar will be held at the FEC''s headquarters at 999 E Street, NW, Washington, DC. The building is within walking distance of several subway stations. Attendees are responsible for making their own arrangements for accommodations. The FEC recommends that individuals planning to travel to attend the seminar wait to finalize travel arrangements until their conference registration has been confirmed by Sylvester Management Corporation.
Workshop materials. Webinar participants will receive electronic copies of workshop materials in advance, and those attending in-person may choose that option when they register. Alternatively, seminar attendees may elect to receive a binder with printed materials the morning of the event.
Registration information. The registration fee is $100 to attend in-person or $75 to participate online. Registration fees include a $25 nonrefundable transaction fee. A refund (minus the transaction fee) will be made for all cancellations received by Friday, May 16; no refund will be made for cancellations received after that date. Complete registration information is available online at http://www.fec.gov/info/conferences/2014/tradememberlaborseminar.shtml.
Registration Questions
Please direct all questions about seminar/webinar registration and fees to Sylvester Management Corporation (Phone: 1-800/246-7277; email: Rosalyn@sylvestermanagement.com). For other questions call
the FEC’s Information Division at 1-800/424-9530 (press 6), or send an email to Conferences@fec.gov.