FEC Releases 11 Compliance Cases
News Releases, Media
WASHINGTON-The Federal Election Commission has made public its final action on 11 matters previously under review (MURs). This release contains only summary information. Closed files should be thoroughly read for details, including the FEC''''s legal analysis of the case. (Please see footnote at the end of this release.) Closed MUR files are available in the Public Records Office.
1. MUR 4350
RESPONDENTS: Republican Party of Minnesota, Erick Kaardal, (former) treasurer (MN)
COMPLAINANTS: Rick Kahn, General Counsel, Wellstone for Senate (MN)
SUBJECT: Failure to report coordinated expendiutres; use of non-federal (state) funds; prohibited contributions
DISPOSITION: Took no action*
2. MUR 4355
COMPLAINANTS: Ellen S. Miller, (former) Executive Director, Center for Responsive Politics (DC)
SUBJECT: Corporate contributions/contributions in the names of others
DISPOSITION: (a-z) Took no action*
3. MUR 4372
COMPLAINANTS: Nebraska Republican Party , Andy Abboud, Executive Director (NE)
SUBJECT: Failure to report coordinated expenditures; use of non-federal (state) funds; union contributions
DISPOSITION: (a-e) Took no action*
4. MUR 4472
COMPLAINANTS: Craig Engle, General Counsel, National Republican Senatorial Committee (DC)SUBJECT: Failure to report coordinated expenditures; excessive contributions; disclaimer; corporate contributions
DISPOSITION: (a-c) Took no action*
5. MUR 4483
COMPLAINANTS: Craig M. Engle, General Counsel, National Republican Senatorial Committee (DC)
SUBJECT: Failure to report coordinated expenditures, disclaimers, excessive contributions; corporate contributions
DISPOSITION: (a-e) Took no action*
6. MUR 4504
RESPONDENTS: (a) New Hampshire Democratic State Committee - Federal and Non-Federal Account, Gaetan Digangi, treasurer (NH)
(b) Swett for Senate, Y. Katrina Lantos Swett, treasurer (NH)
COMPLAINANTS: Craig M. Engle, General Counsel, National Republican Senatorial Committee (DC)
SUBJECT: Failure to report coordinated expenditures; disclaimer; use of non-federal (state) funds; excessive contributions
DISPOSITION: (a-b) Took no action*
7. MUR 4507
RESPONDENTS: (a) National Republican Senatorial Committee, J. Stanley Huckaby, treasurer (DC)
(b) People for Boschwitz, Scott Johnson, treasurer (MN) © Arthur J. Finklestein (NY)
COMPLAINANTS: Mark Andrew, Chair, Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (MN)
SUBJECT: Independent expenditures; failure to report coordinated expenditures
DISPOSITION: (a-c) Took no action*
8. MUR 4509
COMPLAINANTS: Chris Georgakas, Chairman, Republican Party of Minnesota (MN)
SUBJECT: Failure to report coordinated expenditures; disclaimer; prohibited contributions
DISPOSITION: (a-c) Took no action*
9. MUR 4571
COMPLAINANTS: Don MacDonald, Deputy Finance Director, Brad Sherman for Congress (CA)
SUBJECT: Raising contributions after an election when no debts existed
DISPOSITION: (a-aa) Took no action*
10. MUR 4572
COMPLAINANTS: Illinois Republican Party, Harold B. Smith, Chairman (IL)
SUBJECT: Failure to register committee and report joint fundraising activity
DISPOSITION: (a-g) Took no action*
11. MUR 4605
RESPONDENTS: (a) St. Patrick''''s Catholic Church (KS)
(b) The Christian Coalition (VA)
SUBJECT: Tax exempt organization distributing campaign literature
DISPOSITION: (a-b) Took no action*
*There are four administrative stages to the FEC enforcement process:
It requires the votes of at least four of the six Commissioners to take any action. The FEC can close a case at any point after reviewing a complaint. If a violation is found and conciliation cannot be reached, then the FEC can institute a civil court action against a respondent.
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