FEC Record to become a news site (July 2010)
In an effort to provide more timely and user-friendly information, the FEC Record will transition this summer from a print-based online publication to a wholly web-based format that better utilizes the medium. We’re excited to improve this already useful resource in a way that will help our readers keep up with FEC-related news even better than before.
Converting the Record into a continuously updated news site will allow us to provide campaign finance information in a more timely and responsive manner, adding stories as regulations are approved, advisory opinions are issued and court cases are decided. We will be able to add links within articles that point to related resources, including audio of Commission meetings, advisory opinion documents, Federal Register notices and helpful web-based training materials devoted to new or complex areas of the law.
The new Record will be more searchable than the old PDF version, with a custom search bar for the site providing more useful results. The categories and tags we’ve added will make browsing and navigating the Record faster and more convenient than before, and you will be able to subscribe to the RSS feed to receive automatic updates as stories are posted. We look forward to our transition this summer and hope you’ll let us know how we can continue to improve and better serve our readers.