FEC Expands Website Services
For Immediate Release: Contact: Sharon Snyder October 18, 2000 Ron Harris Ian Stirton Kelly Huff
WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission announced today several new additions to its website, www.fec.gov. The latest additions are part of a continuing expansion to which the FEC has been dedicated since the inception of its site in 1996. The new query capability is prominently displayed under ‘What’s New’ at the start of the Commission’s home page.
The new research tool will provide summary statistical information about candidates, PACs, and political party committees. The summaries will include total receipts, disbursements, contributions received from individuals, contributions made to candidates, contributions received from other committees (PACs), beginning and ending cash-on-hand, and debts owed by the committee. Requests can be made for individual candidates or committees or groups of candidates and committees. Currently, statistical summaries cover the 1999-2000 election cycle activity, and will be expanded to include other cycles at a later date. These summaries will represent the most current information available, as the Commission’s database is updated every evening.
As part of the new search system, visitors to the site will be asked if they want information on candidate campaigns, PACs or political parties. Information can be selected by state, by political party, or by candidate status (incumbent, challenger or open-seat). Once a statistical summary appears, detailed lists of individual contributors or Non-Party or Other Committee (PAC) contributions can be obtained by highlighting those lines and clicking on them.
From October 19 through November 5, all filers will be able to submit last minute contribution information on-line via the Internet. Currently, these required notices are sent by express mail, overnight delivery services and facsimile machines. The new system will allow the filer to log on to the FEC filing website, enter the transactions, and send the report into the electronic filing system. This option will not be available to Senate campaign committees because they are required to file their reports with the Secretary of the Senate.
These notices are required to be filed for any contributions of $1,000 or more which are received after the 20th day but more than 48 hours before the general election (i.e. between October 19 and November 5). The notices are to be filed within 48 hours of receipt of such contributions.
On-line filing of last-minute contributions is in keeping with the statutory purpose of the 48-hour notifications, which is prompt public disclosure. It will be easy for committees and will also significantly reduce the number of paper reports normally received by the Commission in the last days before the election.
As in previous election cycles, the Commission will prepare a special index daily of 48-hour and 24-hour notices filed. These indices will provide the public with information on last minute contributions to campaigns and last-minute independent expenditures being made on behalf of or against all federal candidates.