Detailed Presidential fundraising and spending information now available
For the 2008 Presidential elections the FEC will make available on its web site detailed information from the FEC reports of selected Presidential candidates. This new function, available on the FEC web site at, allows viewers to quickly and easily see each candidate's report information broken down into various categories. In addition to providing a Summary and Detailed Summary of each report, the new function provides an easy-to-read chart showing the candidate's contribution totals allocated by employee, state, zip code, date and election, and by candidate's disbursements broken down by purpose, payee and date. The site will also provide information detailing the state-by-state spending of Presidential candidates who accept public funding for the primary elections. Currently, detailed information is available for the campaign committees of nineteen Presidential candidates:
- Biden for President, Inc.;
- Bill Richardson for President Exploratory Committee, Inc.;
- Brownback for President;
- Chris Dodd for President, Inc.;
- Cox 2008 Committee, Inc.;
- Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee, Inc.;
- Huckabee for President Exploratory Committee, Inc.;
- Hunter for President, Inc.;
- Jim Gilmore for President—Exploratory Committee, Inc.;
- John Edwards for President;
- John McCain for President 2008, Inc.;
- Kucinich for President, Inc.;
- Mike Gravel for President 2008, Inc.;
- Obama for America;
- Romney for President, Inc.;
- Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee;
- Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee, Inc.;
- Tancredo for a Secure America Exploratory Committee;
- Tommy Thompson for President (Tommy 2008).
Information from these candidates' April Quarterly reports is currently available on the web site. The charts below depict, as examples of the type of information available on the web site, the top five fundraising states for the top two Democratic and Republican fundraisers in the first quarter of 2007. The per-state fundraising totals shown here are based on the itemized contributions reported by each candidate. Campaigns are not required to itemize contributions received from individuals until the contributions exceed $200 in the aggregate.
Information from future reports will be made available shortly after each reporting deadline. To view this information, visit the FEC website at