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  • Press Release

Compliance Cases Made Public

July 18, 2001

For Immediate Release
July 18, 2001


Kelly Huff
Ron Harris
Sharon Snyder
Ian Stirton



WASHINGTON -- The Federal Election Commission has recently made public its final action on seven matters previously under review (MURs). This release contains only summary information. Closed files should be thoroughly read for details, including the FEC’s legal analysis of the case. (See footnote at the end of this release.) Closed MUR files are available in the Public Records Office.


MUR 5128

RESPONDENTS: (a) Zimmer 2000, Inc., Maria Chappa, treasurer (NJ)

(b) Dick Zimmer (NJ)

(c) National Republican Congressional Committee, Donna Anderson, treasurer (DC)

COMPLAINANTS: David Plouffe, Executive Director, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DC)
SUBJECT: Improper reporting of coordinated expenditures; excessive contributions
DISPOSITION: (a) Reason to believe, but took no further action*

(re: improper reporting of coordinated expenditures)

Sent admonishment letter.

(a-c) No reason to believe*

(re: excessive contribution)



MUR 5153

RESPONDENTS: Friends of Barbara Boxer, Michael Ohleyer, treasurer (CA)
SUBJECT: Failure to file 48-hour reports; failure to report campaign contributions
DISPOSITION: Conciliation Agreement: $7,850 civil penalty*

Respondents will amend 1998 30-Day Post General Report.



MUR 5161

RESPONDENTS: (a) Lincoln Diaz-Balart for Congress Committee, Jose A. Riesco, treasurer (FL)

(b) Paul DiMare (FL)

(c) Jorge Monteagudo (FL)

(d) Anesthesia Group of Miami, Inc. (FL)

(e) AquaMar 176, Inc. (FL)

(f) B.C.C. Enterprises, Inc. (FL)

(g) Calleja’s Shutters Inc. (FL)

(h) Caribbean Americas Beauty Expo., Inc. (FL)

(i) Coastal Insurance Group, Inc. (FL)

(j) F & C Development Corp. (FL)

(k) Florida National College, Inc. (FL)

(l) Florida Property & Casualty Assoc., Inc. (FL)

(m) Global Marketing Enterprises (FL)

(n) Gomez Barker Associates, Inc. (FL)

(o) Investors Realty Services, Inc. (FL)

(p) Lakeside Developers, Inc. (FL)

(q) Miguel Lopez, Jr., Inc. (FL)

(r) Ocean Beach 167, Inc. (FL)

(s) OPAC Enterprises, Inc. (FL)

(t) Patient Transport Services, Inc. (FL)

(u) R.B. Management Services, Inc. (FL)

(v) Rose Flooring Corp. (FL)

(w) The Continental Group, LTD (FL)

(x) The Phyliss Apple Organization, Inc. (FL)

(y) W/X of Dade County (WMX Technologies) (IL)

(z) Water Brothers Corp. (FL)

COMPLAINANT: FEC Initiated (Audit)
SUBJECT: Excessive contributions; corporate contributions; failure to accurately report receipts, disbursements, and cash on hand; failure to fully identify contributions; overstating committee’s January 1, 1997 beginning cash on hand; failure to fully identify disbursement recipients
DISPOSITION: (a) Conciliation Agreement: $30,000 civil penalty*

The Respondent has moved to correct the situation by taking the following measures: retained a new treasurer who immediately undertook action to reconcile the committee’s accounts and respond to audit; review its accounts and records for audit years 1997 and 1998 and filed comprehensive amendments for each of these years; voluntarily reviewed its accounts and records for non-audit years 1993-1996, 1999 and 2000 and filed comprehensive amendments; refunded excessive contributions and corporate contributions.

(b-c) Reason to believe, took no further action*

(re: excessive contributions)

Sent admonishment letters.

(d-z) Reason to believe, but took no further action*

(re: corporate contributions)

Sent admonishment letter.



MUR 5188

RESPONDENTS: (a) Newinski for Congress, Richard Reiner, treasurer (MN)

(b) 4th Congressional District Republican Party of Minnesota (RPM), Skip Wolverton, treasurer (MN)

(c) 53B House District RPM, Roger Adams, treasurer (MN)

(d) Justin Bratnober (MN)

(e) William Cooper (MN)

(f) Bruce Dayton (MN)

(g) Patrick Farley (MN)

(h) Sankey Johnson (MN)

(i) Hugh Schilling (MN)

(j) Michael Wigley (MN)

(k) 39A House District RPM, Tony Roszak, treasurer (MN)

(l) 52B House District RPM, , Gary Dahle, treasurer (MN)

(m) 53A House District RPM, Beverly Aplikowski, treasurer (MN)

(n) 54A House District RPM, Skip Wolverton, treasurer (MN)

(o) 55A House District RPM, John Bowers, treasurer (MN)

(p) 55B House District RPM, Todd Tessmer, treasurer (MN)

(q) 67B House District RPM, Rebecca Dandrea, treasurer (MN)

(r) Taxpayers League Federal PAC, Darryl McKigney, treasurer (MN)

(s) Fred Lanners (MN)

COMPLAINANT: FEC Initiated (Audit)
SUBJECT: Excessive contributions; failure to report debts and obligations; failure to file disclosure report
DISPOSITION: (a) Conciliation Agreement: $12,225 civil penalty*

Respondent will refund excessive contributions to contributors.

(b) Reason to believe, but took no further action*

(re: excessive contributions; failure to file disclosure reports)

Sent admonishment letter.

(c) Reason to believe, but took no further action*

(re: excessive contribution)

Sent admonishment letter.

(d-j) Reason to believe, but took no further action*

(re: excessive contributions)

Sent admonishment letters.

(k-r) No reason to believe*

(re: excessive contributions)

(s) Took no action*



MUR 5193

RESPONDENTS: Compaq Citizenship Fund, connected with Compaq Computer Corporation, Michele W. Blair, treasurer (TX)
SUBJECT: Failure to file disclosure report timely
DISPOSITION: Conciliation Agreement: $2,300 civil penalty*


MUR 5202

RESPONDENTS: Hispanic PAC USA, Inc., Esteban Torres, treasurer (CA)
SUBJECT: Failure to file disclosure report timely
DISPOSITION: Reason to believe, but took no further action*

Sent admonishment letter.



MUR 5203

RESPONDENTS: George Grogan for U.S. Senate, Barbara Fajen, treasurer (NE)
SUBJECT: Failure to file 48-hour reports

(candidate loans totaling $91,000)

DISPOSITION: Reason to believe, but took no further action*

Sent admonishment letter.

*There are four administrative stages to the FEC enforcement process:

1. Receipt of proper complaint 3. "Probable cause" stage
2. "Reason to believe" stage 4. Conciliation stage

It requires the votes of at least four of the six Commissioners to take any action. The FEC can close a case at any point after reviewing a complaint. If a violation is found and conciliation cannot be reached, then the FEC can institute a civil court action against a respondent.

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