(a) No reason to believe*
[re: failure to report contribution; transfer of state (non-federal) funds to the candidate’s campaign committee for federal election; contributions in the name of another; excessive contributions; corporate contributions; foreign national contributions]
(b) Reason to believe, but took no further action*
Sent admonishment letter.
[re: failure to report contribution; transfer of state (non-federal) funds to the candidate’s campaign committee for federal election]
No reason to believe*
[re: contribution in the name of another; excessive contributions; corporate contributions; foreign national contributions]
(c) Reason to believe, but took no further action*
Sent admonishment letter.
[re: transfer of state (non-federal) funds to the candidate’s campaign committee for federal election]
No reason to believe*
(d-h) No reason to believe*
[re: contributions in the name of another; excessive contributions; corporate and/or union contributions; federal government contractor contributions; foreign national contributions]
(i-l) No reason to believe*
[re: excessive contributions; corporate and/or union contributions; federal government contractor contributions; foreign national contributions]
(m-o) No reason to believe*
[re: contributions in the name of another]
(p-v) Dismiss the complaint
The complaint alleged that Friends of Dan Hynes “FODH” (a state account) made contributions to various state campaign committees contingent upon those committees making contributions to Hynes for Senate (federal account) and the state campaign committees made contributions to Hynes for Senate with non-federal funds. Based on the information in the complaint, responses from respondents, and review, the Commission found no reason to believe that the respondents violated the Act. The complaint identified a direct contribution from FODH to Hynes for Senate which the complaint made no specific allegation. The Commission found reason to believe that FODH and Hynes for Senate violated the law by transferring funds from Mr. Hyne’s state committee to his federal committee. The Commission decided to take no further action, send an admonishment letter and require disgorgement of the funds. The Commission also found reason to believe Hynes for Senate violated the law for failing to disclose the contributions, but take no further action and send an admonishment letter. |