Comments sought on improvements to report filing process and FEC website
On September 13, 2023, the Commission published a notice in the Federal Register at 88 Fed. Reg. 62782 seeking comments on ways to improve its online user experiences, including its report filing processes and public-facing website.
The Commission is examining its existing policies and procedures regarding the filing of reports with the agency and providing the public with an opportunity to identify any issues or concerns with the report filing process, as well as potential solutions to those concerns.
The Commission is also seeking comments on how to improve its website, including the site’s organization, substance, ease of access to information and report filing. Public comments are welcome on any aspect of the website.
As part of its mission, the Commission periodically reviews its programs to ensure that it is providing transparency to the campaign finance system and plans to use the comments to help determine whether changes are necessary for its policies or procedures.
Comments are due by November 13, 2023, must be in writing and submitted by email to